Rechecking the problem and it is still occurring.
]]>I saw the previous thread on this without resolution. It’s still happening. Admins are unable to create a new menu in their own site. Only the super admin can create a menu with this plugin active.
]]>Hi, I get these warnings in my WordPress Backend:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in ../wp-content/plugins/multisite-toolbar-additions/includes/ddwlib-plir/ddwlib-plugin-installer-recommendations.php on line 346
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at ../wp-content/plugins/multisite-toolbar-additions/includes/ddwlib-plir/ddwlib-plugin-installer-recommendations.php:346) in ../wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9
I use PHP 8.0
]]>Maybe this is too basic a question. However, I just started using this plugin and I simply can not figure how to add all of my subsites to the “My Sites” menu, currently only the mainsite is display. thanks in advance.
]]>When I have the tool active and I update a plugin. The typical traffic light colors notification isn’t showing.
There is a thin border when I click to update, the installation will cycle through the yellow and green (or red) but no text is showing.
Simply, the CSS is overwritten with an ‘display: none !important;’.
.mstba-update-message p:before,
.update-message.notice p:empty,
.update-message.updating-message > p,
.update-message.notice-success > p,
.update-message.notice-error > p {
display: none !important;
When the plugin is disabled, that CSS is gone.
(otherwise, plugin works fine)
]]>Using MultiSite WordPress 5.5.3 CentOS
( ! ) Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /path/wp-content/plugins/multisite-toolbar-additions/includes/ddwlib-plir/ddwlib-plugin-installer-recommendations.php on line 346
]]>When I activated the multisite toolbar additions plugin, my test schema admin bar menu is not visible any more. Can you check out this conflict with the Schema Pro plugin?
You plugin in great to manage my multisite installation. But we found an issue.
The plugin is installed network wide. In the child sites a normal administrator want’s to create a new menu but he gets an error.
You have no sufficient permission to edit this special menu.
]]>First off, thank you for developing this and your many other plugin’s, I for one sincerely appreciate your contributions to the WP community.
Just wondering if there are two things that might be possible and if so I’d be more than happy to buy you some beer and pizza!
1st Issue:
I have a seriously long “My Sites” menu which I cannot scroll through since it drops down below my monitor screen ??
I have tried several solutions to make it ‘scrollable’ but each solution blocks/hides the menupop submenus for each site…
Second Issue:
I run a multi-network, network of multi-sites; meaning I have dozens of TLD’s each with their own set of subsites so as I add subsites to various TLD’s, some masked and some just as subsites, they get all jumbled up and since I can’s scroll down the entire list I have to go to the network dashboard of each TLD > Sites – and then find the site I want to work on.
Can you think of a way to sort the sites by their TLD? I know this would most likely be quite a feat since you will need to sort them by their original TLD (Site ID) and not their ‘mapped domain name’ (Blog ID). Although you might have them filtered first by (Site ID) with a second filter that is either alphabetical by their assigned (Blog ID).
I’m sure I could figure this out given lots of time and research but I don’t even know where to start to make sure it’s assigned to the proper list…
]]>What are the odds we can get this plugin to sort long lists of sites under “My Sites?” Check the link…
Anyway to duplicate a menu from a subsite to another subsite?
In version 4.2.4, when the user is only Administrator, he cant manager you own site Menu. The error message is:
<p>You have no sufficient permission to edit this special menu.</p>
But they try to edit your own menu.
I was curious if anyone has experience using this with 4.1.1?
It says it is compatible up to 3.9.1, but didn’t know if it was going to be updated for 4.1.1 or not.
Thank you.
]]>I’m nearly done with convincing myself to mu-sites for a non-profit project and think it’s only a few steps to go for now, as your plugin seems to be great… so thank’s for sharing in advance…
if new mu-sites are registered/created, they show up in the admin mysites area
I have 5 links down (parent incl) to the linked mu-site in my secondary menu in sidebar (twentyfourteen).
expanding from the parent link in left sidebar to the right it’s just enough place on the desktop viewport
adding this secondary menu to the mu-toolbar-menu shows all the parent links (great so far)und downwards 1 child link… and all other child links go to the right side… and end up with the manually created links of musites… (great)
1.wondering whether this could be assigned automatically.
(I guess not, but may be there’s a possibility to find a easy way.)
2. if I click on the manually assigned mu-sitelinks, I just visit the frontend of this mu-site and not the dashboard etc. to manage the sites…
as in the mysites area
could you provide a way, to assign these links to the managing area which usually shows up under mysites ?
I have no idea of how I should manage tons of upcoming non-profit-project mu-sites “just listed”, but without a non structured menu… either?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m wondering why all the sub-site dashboard menu items aren’t available from the toolbar. For instance, I frequently want to get to the list of pages on a sub-site. Currently, the only way to do this is to go to the sub-site dashboard, then select the menu option from there. Why not add Pages/Posts, etc… to the multisite toolbar?
I just wanted to make you aware the titles for the ‘Restricted Site Admin Menu (Toolbar)’ and ‘Multisite Toolbar Menu’ within the Navigation section of the WP Customize panel are displaying as HTML, see screen:
HTML Titles:
<span title=”via Plugin: Multisite Toolbar Additions”>Restricted Site Admin Menu (Toolbar)</span>
<span title=”via Plugin: Multisite Toolbar Additions”>Multisite Toolbar Menu</span>
Very minor but thought you’d like to be aware.
All the best,
]]>I’ve found a strange situation in some sites where Multisite Toolbar Additions plugin is installed: when I customize themes, via Apperance > Customize, this is what I get (see the screenshot; the plugin has been translated to spanish):
It seems as the HTML code added by Multistie Toolbar Additions plugin has not been correctly parsed. It happens with TwentyFour theme, and also with Genesis, Graphene, Stargazer and other themes I’ve tested.
Any idea?
When I installed this plugin I was thinking this would be the perfect option to display a custom navigation menu network wide. the idea for me was to add menu items for my members to watch video tutorials so they would understand how to manage and use their site.
Obviously this plugin is great and all the extra menu items are very useful. But to me it would only make sense to have a custom toolbar menu for my members. I personally don’t need the custom menu because I have a good understanding of how to run my network.
Any plans of adding a global menu network wide?
I noticed I have the option to clone a site using an existing sub domain. However, I really can’t use that feature because I use Gravity forms and the site registration add-on they provide. I was hopping that I could set a default template to clone when visitors sign up for my blog network for the first time. Basically it would save them from having to create their own blog.
Any plans for either one of these features?
I really like the concept of this plugin but for me I don’t have much use for this plugin without those features. ??
I really like the extra menu items but whats the point of having the clone site feature if you can’t set a default sub domain to clone when new registrants sign up?
I guess if you wanted to do everything manually it makes perfect sense but if you are like me you try to automate as many systems as possible to save time.
Looking forward to hearing from you on this.
Very well thought out plugin I just see a lot more potential with this.
Thank you for your time.
]]>In the menu to the right of “My Sites” it has a menu for the current site you are editing. If you choose “View Website” it loads the main website without the sub-domain prefix. For example, becomes All sites will go to regardless of which site you are attempting to view.
]]>I wanted to remove a user from the main site, but this is the alert:
“Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/domains/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/multisite-toolbar-additions/multisite-toolbar-additions.php:878) in /home/xxx/domains/xxx/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 875”
I reloaded the page, still the same error and nothing else (except the Notice I posted on a previous thread), but going back with the browser showed the user was actually deleted from the specified webiste.
So, what is that warning about?
I too have the problem about a notice appearing when I click on network update:
“Notice: Use of undefined constant MSTBA_DISPLAY_NETWORK_ITEMS – assumed ‘MSTBA_DISPLAY_NETWORK_ITEMS’ in /home/xxx/domains/[blog-URL]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/multisite-toolbar-additions/multisite-toolbar-additions.php on line 878”
If I choose to update, WP says it did it, but the above notice still appears and is visible on every page I manage when I select any network admin menu.
My installation is on a shared hosting, WP 3.6 multisite with directories (not subdomain) and the plugin is v. 1.4.0
]]>First of all thank you so much for your great plugin. It’s very helpful and I realy love to use it however I’m getting errors in my logs when I enter WP dashboard on any site of my network:
`[06-Aug-2013 09:53:35 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘dbxxxxx_25.wp_0_options’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT option_value FROM wp_
0_options WHERE option_name = ‘home’ LIMIT 1 made by include(‘wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php’), require_once(‘wp-admin/admin-header.php
‘), do_action(‘in_admin_header’), call_user_func_array, wp_admin_bar_render, do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, ddw_mstba_toolba
r_main_site_dashboard, get_home_url, get_option`
Any help will be very appreciated.
]]>I know you have developed the plugin to provide a global menu to super admins but is there a way to set a fixed menu for all admins in a network so they cannot change the menu?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I just installed the plugin and am seeing the following notice with WP_Debug turned on:
Notice: Use of undefined constant MSTBA_DISPLAY_NETWORK_ITEMS – assumed ‘MSTBA_DISPLAY_NETWORK_ITEMS’ in \path\to\site\wp-content\plugins\multisite-toolbar-additions\multisite-toolbar-additions.php on line 878
I’m running WP 3.5.2 and Multisite Toolbar Additions 1.4.0.
]]>I’m using a “Sub-directories” based multi-site install.
Using this plugin I cannot see these additional sites.
I found a bug. I have MLS installed.
However, when I hover over the my sitename, the link that is associated with the MLS item in the menu that appears is the following:
Obviously not the MLS page!
Is this a bug with your plugin or with MLS?