We are moving forward with adopting this plugin; the only issue we are having is that it appears to only run on sites that are marked as ‘public’. Would it be possible to have this behavior configurable, or run on both public and non-public sites?
]]>Hi –
Plugin description reads like the perfect solution but I’m a bit concerned about the lack of adoption and quiet support threads and updates.
Author, are you still actively supporting the plugin?
]]>Good afternoon. Thank you for the plug-in)
I have a question. How many seconds to stand for 1000 sites?
Time of main script (cron trigger):?
Time between calls to each individual cron blog:?
I plan to run cron, from the panel IspManager – 1 per week. I have a dedicated server.
]]>Thank you for this plugin. I am new to wp-cron and Cron Jobs, so I have a few questions about the setup, error logs, and execution.
I’m trying to set this up via cPanel and I’ve added the “Linux crontab line” as a Current Cron Job. However, I haven’t seen the execution box pop up to show that it’s working and I haven’t seen it in the Raw Access Logs (where I was seeing the multiple Crons being executed before).
Is the syntax in the crontab line correct?
I was trying to find more information where they mention the syntax -O- https:// (without a space after the the letter). Your plugin has a space after the -O – https://
Also in the above example there it uses >> were your plugin only uses >
Is it whitespace independent? Can you explain the structure and what each part of the line is doing? Also, can you point to any other tutorials on the best way to check this is being executed?
Again, thanks for your plugin. It seems like a powerful tool if I can get it to work.
]]>Reading through all the documentation I could not be 100% of my question.
So once the plugin is installed and you change the settings in the multisite system cron menu, there is absolutely nothing left I have to do to have this function. Is that correct?
Is there a way to test if it functioning? I have had it on for a bit now and haven’t seen the Execution Block like you have in your screenshot. Does that mean its not running?
Just want to make sure I have this thing running as intended.
]]>Hi there. I’m confused about the setup.
I currently have 7 Cron jobs setup for my Multi sites in my cPanel. The 1st one works for the parent domain but not for the 6 sub-domains. Hence my search for something to correct this issue.
My crontab line for the parent domain is as follows:
* * * * * wget https://mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/autopost/automate.php
So I’m attempting to fire the “automate.php” script via a particular auto posting plugin.
I’ve already installed your Multisite System Cron but am unsure how to modify your crontab line example to make the existing crons work. Also, do I ad the new cron to the existing 7 in my Cpanel or will this replace all of the existing crons?
]]>Good Morning!
I’ve just came across your plugin. And the scrrenshot suggests to execute wget thus stress the webserver.
Please consider looking at the CLI way:
and the HTTP way
of running wp-cron from a server/VPS.
All the best wishes to you!