I want to know if it’s possible to add in the last posts, the author of the post?
Because i searched into the .php of the widget but i don’t really find a way to show author, because of the post_author ID that must be hard to link with all the sites!
Sorry for my bad english.
Is there a way I can extend this functionality to also display Page updates?
]]>deprecated functions:
register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control()
Undefined index: wpmu_recent_posts_submit in C:\web\wpbeta\wp\wp-content\plugins\multisite-recent-posts-widget\wpmu-recent-posts-widget.php on line 100
]]>This plugin is great, thanks for the work so far on it. Was wondering if it would be possible to allow multiple widget instances in the next version?
]]>Just wondering if there are links to other widgets like this. I can’t find anything very easily after wpmudev.org got super commercial (looking).