Please update display_msp_posts function to display thumbnails instead of default images:
+++ switch_to_blog($blog_id);
if( !empty( $criteria[“thumbnail”] ) ) {
if( has_post_thumbnail($post_id) ) {
$output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, array(100, 100) );
} else {
$output .= ‘<img class=”msp-thumbnail” src=”‘ . plugins_url( “assets/msp_noimg.jpg”, __FILE__ ) . ‘” />’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”msp-content”>‘ . $post_title . ‘‘;
if( !empty( $criteria[“excerpt”] ) ) {
$output .= ‘<p>’ . get_the_excerpt() . ‘</p>’;
$output .= ‘</div>’;
+++ restore_current_blog();
How do you show corresponding comments?
Maybe a better question is: is there a comprehensive list of shortcodes available?
]]>Hello I was wondering if this plugin is able to grab post from multiple wp domains not just from a multi site set up, since the idea is to have all associates have a word press site on their own and have the association website pick up all the listings from the other sites and list them on the association’s main website to promote all f the associates listings.
]]>Please change line 509 from
$item_label = __( ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", trim($arg) ), "MSP" ), $this->domain );
$item_label = __( ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", trim($arg) ) ), $this->domain );
because it triggers
PHP Warning: ucwords() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in []/msp.php on line 509
and it fails to output the labels.
]]>After installing your plugin on WP 3.6.1 I got it to work as far that I can insert the shortcode and a list of post-titles ware shown.
[multisite_posts blog_id=1 post_no=10 excerpt=true thumbnail=true]
Unfortunately I get an error message when going to the Deatil page:
“This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.”
Antoher thing does not work. I cannot deactivate the thumbmail and the excerpt with this:
[multisite_posts blog_id=1 post_no=10 excerpt=false thumbnail=false]
Any idea what to do?
]]>First, when I update, instead of updating, it installs a second copy. Then, if I deactivate the V 2.0 copy, the options for adding images & excerpts disappear.
Deactivating just the new 20120724 version restores options for Images & Excerpts, but does NOT find the images, all images are replaced with a “not available” place holder, also, does not link properly to networked multisite blog.
If I have both copies enabled, the posts don’t link properly, and the images are still “not available”.
]]>I have several pages and posts on the Main site that need to be on all the sub-sites.
I could import the pages/posts to each site, one by one, but if one little thing needs to be changed I would have to go to each site and change that one little thing.
I need to be able to make the change once and have it effect all of the sub-sites.
Will this plugin do that?
Nice plugin but you can’t use multiple instances of it in a sidebar, or at least I cant get it to work.
]]>I got this working in the theme template file by using this code:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[multisite_posts no="3" sit_id="1"]'); ?>
I have 2 questions:
1) Is it possible to have it show the post excerpt? Could I add a <?php echo $item['description']; ?>
perhaps somewhere in the plugin file?
2) I want to be able to add some code to the actual href link. I see on line 139 you have this:
$output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID). '" title="' . $post->post_title . '">' . $post->post_title . '</a></li>';
But I want to add this to the href: onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'iframe' } )"
which will open up the link in a modal popup window using highslide js. But whenever I try to add the onclick=
to the <a>
I get errors. Any ideas?
I added 3 Widgets on the home page of the Blog Primary, every widget I gave three different ID (Blog ID), but displayed only blog entries with ID 2, all three widgets.
Also the number of articles to be displayed is not correct, that is imposed 1, 2 or 3, are always displayed a greater number.
Someone found my own problems?
Thank you!
]]>Hello angelazou,
congratulations for the plugin, very simple and functional ??
In the next version, you can add the Excerpt and Thumb?
Thank you so much!