]]>Just installed the plugin.. looks like its working as it is showing up on a sub-domain sites but it’s not pulling any posts. I changed the Recent posts and also tried editing the feed url to the main or primary domain and even tried entering a completely different wordpress install url.. I have surfed to /feed on both sites I am trying to pull posts from and do see the rss feed but still nothing to the sub sites dash or even the main sites dashboard but the box is appearing.
]]>I will not use the WordPress forums to support my plugin.
Instead you can open an issue over at Github if you have a problem, question, feature request or would like to contribute to the development of the SO Dashboard Feed Widget plugin.
]]>Is it possible to collapse the message box in the same manner as the widgets can collapse down to the grey bar?
]]>Is it possible to install a renamed copy of the plugin so that I can have two different feeds in two different boxes in the dashboards?
]]>I would like to feed a specific group of posts through to blogs rather than the default recent posts.
How would I modify the plugin to do that?