Warning: Undefined variable $main_plugin_file in?C:\laragon\www\wp-belkacredit-ru\wp-content\plugins\multiline-files-for-contact-form-7\multiline-files-upload-for-contact-form-7.php?on line?41
This warning appears after updating the plugin to version 2.9 in WP 6.6.2
]]>I have a problem with the plugin.
When I click on the upload button on my mobile device (cell phone) and select several images, I have to repeat this at least 2-3 times, as I am always thrown back into my file browser.
Once I have done this, the form can be sent, but I then receive the images in the ZIP file of the attachment twice in the email.
The attachment field works if the form is located directly on the page. But it does not attach the file if it is located in the fancybox popup. The file can be selected, but it does not appear next to the button.
A plugin is used to create popups
the form is working correctly
I added this code
[multilinefile fileattachment filetypes:gif|jpg|jpeg|png|pdf "Upload pics"]
But I do not get any attachment in my mail.
I tried to add the [fileattachment] in the body of the mail, then I get a 20-digit code in my mail. But no attachment.
Maybe those upoladed files will be stored some where on my server and I do have to make this folder writeable (777)?
Is it the folder “/uploads/wpcf7_uploads” maybe?
In this folder I only get subfolders with no contents.
Thanks for your help.
How to specify ‘accept’ attribute to limit file type selection?
]]>Hello Support,
Thank you for making such a wonderful plugin. I am having two issue currently with plugin.
Can you please have a look at both the issues.
rendering a form containing a multi upload field in the block editor throws an exception, when loading via the shortcode/php. This kills the block parser and the block in labeled as corrupt.
DOMException: Failed to set the ‘value’ property on ‘HTMLInputElement’: This input element accepts a filename, which may only be programmatically set to the empty string.
]]>Hi, the plugin is not working on a modal pop-up. I am using convertplus plugin to generate the modal pop-up.
Plugin functions and their styles wont work when the modal pop-up is enabled.
Please advise. Thank you.
I need to pass multiple files via rest API, is this possible?
]]>Nevermind… I saw this is Premium feature.
]]>Here in my case name and email are required field,but when i have selected video file to upload it shows me name, email field value is required but the value is already given.
please check the link
We recently installed the extension and increased our upload limit to 64MB by our server.
However, after receiving a few messages from our customers, we noticed that the files they added were not attached to the email.
Our setup should work fine for us to receive them though because we did some tests and it worked.
It would seem that as soon as the size of the files exceeds approximately 25MB the files are not attached to the email.
Could you please help us to solve this problem.
Thank you
]]>My pro version is 2.0 and the LIMIT attribute still works before. But it doesn’t work right now.
Does anyone has the same issue?
I got 2 choose file buttons, one looks system-like and underneath of this one is yours, I guess…
]]>I have multiple upload fields in form and form allows submitting without uploading single file to fields.
ContactForm version: 6.5.4/5.7.2
MultiLine files upload version: 2.3
<div class="form_wrap form_wrap_multilinefile">
<label>Photo (Fig 2) <span class="form-required">*</span></label>
[multilinefile* packerIdDocuments limit:20m filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]
<div class="form_wrap form_wrap_multilinefile">
<label>Photos 2 <span class="form-required">*</span></label>
[multilinefile* backsidePhotos limit:20m filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]
After update to version 2.3 with version of wordpress 6.1.1 files are not attached to email.
]]>The problem is that there is no space to add the signature, and it keeps saying it needs the signature.? It won’t let you click on it.? Any suggestions?
I would like to change the text “Upload” for something else. How can I do that ? Many thanks
]]>Hi there,
I have two buttons: Choose file which looks like coming from the system or the browser and the upload button delivered by the plugin. As far as I can see only one (the one from the plugin) is needed. How can I get rid of the other one?
Thx for help!
Cheers, Dirk
fyi there is a tiny bug in multiline-files-upload-for-contact-form-7.php on line 203 Instead of <label> tag you there is a <lable> tag.
All best, Greg
The upload section takes blank value even after making the section required while creating and it gets submitted even when it is empty. Validation not working.
is possible use multiline field twice in one form? Because second one didnt worked.
If i use default upload field + multiline it works, both files are uploaded to FTP. But only one is delivered to mail. Can i setup both will delivered to mail?
]]>Hello, the options to send files as ZIP a premium or FREE as the current setup is not sending files as Zip files just as attachments?
]]>I get an HTTP 500 Error when on PHP8 I try to send my message via CF7 on a lower version (PHP7) this is possible. Will there be an update for PHP8 soon?
]]>Hi support,
I’ve implemented multiline file like this:
[multilinefile infas-upl limit:3mb filetypes:pdf|doc|docx|txt|rtf|odt id:infas-upl class:infas-upl “Anlage hinzufügen”]
Unfortunately the filetype restriction does not work.
When using simple CF7 [file] the restriction works.
Could you please give me a hint?
thanks in advance, Torsten
]]>Hello Developer, When I try to add 2 multiple files upload input, then the last one does not work. Here is a screenshot – print(.)sc/y__33uGEjvw_
I’ve installed the plugin correctly but when I receive the emails I see a number instead of the attachment (CV: 1b7b442a868e44da8cff1f6786a142e4)
any idea of what could be the cause?
MultiLine files for Contact Form 7: v2.0
Client side it looks like the user can upload multiple files. In the upload directory, only the first file is present after form successfully submits. I’m assuming this is why the .zip is not being created. My host support is Pagely, and they confirmed that ZipArchive() is enabled/active.
This is how I’m using the tag:
[multilinefile multilinefile-support-docs limit:3mb filetypes:png|jpg|pdf id:supporting-documents “Click to upload”]
The email successfully sends with the attached file.
Also, should these uploaded files be deleted after a set timeframe?
I’m using managed hosting and am limited with my access to logs. Here are versions of related plugins I have installed:
Contact Form 7: v5.5.6
Advanced CF7 DB: v1.8.7
Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7: v2.1.2
Contact Form 7 – Phone mask field: v1.4.2
Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 (Lite) 5.2
PHP v7.4.23 (cli)
Can you help?
]]>Would it be possible to provide us with a link to your plugin version 1.9 please?
]]>Sending attachments from a desktop computer works. But if I try sending a attachmend from my mobile phone (iPhone Safari) it doesn’t work. I always receive the message: something is wrong, please try again.
Can you please help me. Thanks