I’m looking for a page link dropdown button
you have it in stock ? thanks
Dear developers,
This was really a hardwork, and i appreciate it. I would like to help in translating this plugin in my native language Urdu. But i don’t know how. If you can guide me, it would be great. Thanks
]]>When creating a new blog post the backend editor button is not showing up
so im not able to add images or add new elements
Hi, I’m using WP Bakery with ThemeRex Addons and Polylang, I have a menu that adds a search popup bar, but when I make a search in Spanish, the search redirects me to the English version of my site and doesn’t show any result. How can i fix this?
]]>Hi! I have a question about working with SEO Tools! With which plugin that it works to define SEO Keywords or titles or phrases in the different languages.
I installed YOAST SEO and I get only the opportunity to give the keywords in one language.
That means the page in english for example has the keywords in German.
Is there an other Plugin which provide me the second language for SEO?
Best regards
]]>how could show\display recent pages instead of recent posts
I get a “plugin has no valid header” error message when trying to install this plugin.
Thank you for your help.
– Anja
]]>Hello, just installed your add-on. I have also WPbakery installed. After plugin activation, video (self hosted option from the row setting window, video tab) that was set as a row background, disappeared, also an overlay I set on OVERLAY tab. What could be the problem?
is possible to import posts from Q translate X without losing the already existing translations?
Besides, what about the product page/category, etc. of woocommerce plugin? Can be translatable or not using your plugin?
Visual Composer Multilanguage v2.0
Visual Composer v5.2.1
I cannot seem to get the auto-translation to work. I followed your instructions exactly as specified. Can you help?