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]]>I’ve created a vehicle listing. It shows up in showroom but when trying to see single vehicle listing it throws 404 error. URL is *****/product/vehicle title. What am I missing?
]]>Where edit some contents in search result page?
Where modify ‘see’ on button text? Thanks you again
]]>is it possible to add kilometers as text in the search? or how else? Thank you
]]>Can this plugin helps in blog section?
I want to use the feature of adding camping graph review in my business website that hosted on WordPress.
Can this plugin helps in blog section?
I want to use the feature of adding Air Compressor review in my business website that hosted on WordPress.
Hello, Wonderful plugin you have here.
Please I want to use this for a project but I need to add Naira to the currency as it is to be used in Nigeria. Please show me how.
I purchased the premium version of this product but was only given the free version. I have attempted to create a login 3 time to the support system, but never receive a confirmation email. I have created 3 guest support tickets with no response. Over a week since I purchased this product and I have receive no response.
]]>Dear Sir,
Thanks for a great plugin.
If you can tell me a way by which I can change “product” slug to “vehicle”? https://prntscr.com/me39tp
I Have made this with multi dealer, and in the bottom of every vehicle i have changed the contact us to say, apply for finance on this vehicle.
i would like when the customer clicks here the for that i have made on the finance page show up and added on 2 more boxes that fetches the make and model of the vehicle the customer is on at that time. so when they apply for finance to myself the make and model comes up save the customer typing it