Sending of email has stopped working and fails silently. There are no error messages and the Troublehshooting says it has worked.
We are using Brevo for SMTP transactional email and Contact Form 7 and Forminator plugins (including Recaptcha v3) have no issues. As these work without any configuration, we believe that the Brevo plugin is a wrapper that takes control of the wp_mail() function and routes all email through SMTP. This did work at some point, so we’d love your input on what’s changed.
Can you advise how to fix this?
Thank you
Dropdowns not working in my website
Check the video details
Best Regards,
]]>Hi Mondula,
I’ve added your form to my website. However, in the dropdown area, the options are either not showing at all, or they appear at the very top of the screen and the options cannot be selected. Any help would be great, I’d love to launch the business soon!
ich würde gern den Text in der Textanzeige besser formatieren k?nnen, leider wird HTML nicht beachtet, sonst k?nnte ich den Text visuell besser gestalten. Besteht die M?glichkeit, diese Funktion zu implementieren?
below the english version:
Hi, I would like to be able to format the text in the text display better, unfortunately HTML is not used, otherwise I could design the text visually better. Is it possible to implement this function?
Beste Grü?e / best regards,
]]>The drop downs on my forms appear to be working initially in edge but once I scroll they no longer work. If I scroll back to the top of the page they resume working. This only appears to happen in edge for me. Other browsers and mobile work
]]>Hi, my forms stopped working on the website (I linked an example), how can I fix it?
OS:?Linux 5.10.0-23-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.179-2 (2023-07-14) x86_64
Multi Step Form:?1.7.20
Multi Step Form Plus:?Nicht installiert/aktiv
WordPress Max Upload Size:?2,0 GB
PHP Memory Limit:?512M
PHP Post Max Size:?2047M
PHP Upload Max Filesize:?2047M
PHP Max Input Time:?1200
PHP Max Execution Time:?1200
Default E-Mail:[email protected]
Default E-Mail Name:?Verplan Versicherungsmakler GmbH
I am facing issues with form submission where it fails when trying to submit the form. I have Elementor and its form works normally. Now with the multi step form, there is failure. One point to be noted is that when I’m logged into WordPress, multi ste works, but when I log off or go to an anonymous tab, when trying to send, the “Submit Failed” message appears.
when is the next update, wordpress 6.5 planned?
Is the plugin php 8.3 compatible?
Plus update planned?
I′m trying to use the plugin and for now looks perfect and all is working fine.
I have only 2 things to do. If someone can help me, at least with some direction to change the code… ??
Issue 1 : I have multiple sections in the step #1 and each section have a radio/checkboxes
I need the user can choose ONLY ONE option inside all the sections of the step #1
It works to choose only one option in each section, but i have many sections in the step 1.
Issue 2 : if the user press the “previous step” button in the step #2 it back and keep selected the same checkbox/radio and if the user choose a different one, it go to the step #2 with 2 options selected.
Is any way to disable de previous step button or make the button to go to the original page deleting the option selected in the step #1 – maybe refreshing the page?
Thanks for any help !
Hello fron France,
I have designed a 4-step form, great UX but :
When I test it :
I enter data in step 1
Then click “next step”
step two displays but the wheel keeps spinning and I cannot proceed
Can you help please ?
Generally I am very happy with the plugin, but I keep getting an error (“Submit failed”) when sending the form although the mail is delivered. What can I do?
Console ouput:
Thx in advance & BR
The plugin worked perfectly until a few days ago.
It is now impossible to use the “submit a file” feature. When you click on the button, nothing happens.
To see the problem, please refer to the test page.
What should I do?
Thanks in advance,
The form submission fails sometimes. I tested the mail setup using the troubleshooting within the plugin, no issue found. Please see here
Please advice.
]]>Once the complete form is submitted, I will see the trip name in the details, now only the form details are visible.
I get variable has been used but nothing remains, I have attached both the screenshots in that also.
]]>We’ve used a form with the plugin for a while and was using html tags for formatting (bold, line breaks etc) within a standard paragraph text. Since the last update WordPress or plugin the formatting won’t render anymore in the front end and completely strips in when saved in the backend as well. Was there any change that we might have missed?
i See that its possible to make specific elements conditional but is it also possible to make whole steps conditional? For example if someone picks point B in an element, that that whole 2,3,4 steps get skipped?
I bought Multi Step Form Plus. Everuthing seems working well.
I need to specify default value for checkbox and radio button in my form.
For example in step 2 the checkbox CGU shall be checked by default.
I searched in documentation but I did not found how to do ?
Would you help me please ?
Best regards
I’ve sent two e-mails to you, but received no answer. So here is the body of the e-mails:
I’m implementing your multi-step form for a customer, and I like it. We’re considering purchasing the pro version, and maybe some support. But I have a couple of questions and bug reports:
Happy New Year 2024 to you Sir,
I want to create a Multi-step Form, where each step is a Tab with specific Form information, as you can see here–
When you click each Tab, it opens up a different set of information.
It means that this is a multi-step Tabbed Form.
How do I create a Form like this with your plugin?
]]>Unfortunately the dropdown field is not working. maybe it is a javascript conflict?
MSF Multi Step Form loaded.
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3’]0: “multi-step-form”1: “0”2: “0”3: “3”length: 4lastIndex: (…)lastItem: (…)Prototype: Array(0)at: ? at()concat: ? concat()constructor: ? Array()copyWithin: ? copyWithin()entries: ? entries()every: ? every()fill: ? fill()filter: ? filter()filterOut: ? (r)filterReject: ? (r)find: ? find()findIndex: ? findIndex()findLast: ? findLast()findLastIndex: ? findLastIndex()flat: ? flat()flatMap: ? flatMap()forEach: ? forEach()group: ? (r)groupBy: ? (r)groupByToMap: ? (r)groupToMap: ? (r)includes: ? includes()indexOf: ? indexOf()join: ? join()keys: ? keys()lastIndex: (…)lastIndexOf: ? lastIndexOf()lastItem: (…)length: 0map: ? map()pop: ? pop()push: ? (t)reduce: ? reduce()reduceRight: ? reduceRight()reverse: ? reverse()shift: ? shift()slice: ? slice()some: ? some()sort: ? sort()splice: ? splice()toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()toReversed: ? toReversed()toSorted: ? toSorted()toSpliced: ? toSpliced()toString: ? toString()uniqueBy: ? (t)unshift: ? unshift()values: ? values()with: ? with()Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ? values()Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): {at: true, copyWithin: true, entries: true, fill: true, find: true, …}get lastIndex: ? ()get lastItem: ? ()set lastItem: ? (t)Prototype: Object
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3’]0: “multi-step-form”1: “0”2: “0”3: “3”length: 4lastIndex: (…)lastItem: (…)Prototype: Array(0)at: ? at()concat: ? concat()constructor: ? Array()copyWithin: ? copyWithin()entries: ? entries()every: ? every()fill: ? fill()filter: ? filter()filterOut: ? (r)filterReject: ? (r)find: ? find()findIndex: ? findIndex()findLast: ? findLast()findLastIndex: ? findLastIndex()flat: ? flat()flatMap: ? flatMap()forEach: ? forEach()group: ? (r)groupBy: ? (r)groupByToMap: ? (r)groupToMap: ? (r)includes: ? includes()indexOf: ? indexOf()join: ? join()keys: ? keys()lastIndex: (…)lastIndexOf: ? lastIndexOf()lastItem: (…)length: 0map: ? map()pop: ? pop()push: ? (t)reduce: ? reduce()reduceRight: ? reduceRight()reverse: ? reverse()shift: ? shift()slice: ? slice()some: ? some()sort: ? sort()splice: ? splice()toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()toReversed: ? toReversed()toSorted: ? toSorted()toSpliced: ? toSpliced()toString: ? toString()uniqueBy: ? (t)unshift: ? unshift()values: ? values()with: ? with()Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ? values()Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): {at: true, copyWithin: true, entries: true, fill: true, find: true, …}get lastIndex: ? ()get lastItem: ? ()set lastItem: ? (t)Prototype: Object
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘3’]
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘3’]
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘3’]
msf-frontend.min.js?ver=1.7.12:1 MSF args (4) [‘multi-step-form’, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘3’]
Hi, I am getting the following error on my page. Please advise!
Warning: Undefined array key ?confirm“ in /www/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/multi-step-form/includes/lib/msf-blocks/email/msf-block-email.class.php on line 61 Warning: Undefined array key ?label“ in /www/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/multi-step-form/includes/lib/msf-blocks/radio/msf-block-radio.class.php on line 78
]]>In a date field, the calendar is shown but the prev / next month selection icons are missing (404).
]]>Are you working on this vulnerability?
Because my hosting service automatically disabled the plugin due to this vulnerability.
Thanks for your response
]]>Hi, I am contacting you because I am experiencing a problem with the plugin, I have already tried uninstalling and reactivating it but evidently there is something wrong with it. How can I solve it?
On mobile, I’m able to take a photo using the camera but it doesn’t go through when I submit. Tests done on Android Chrome and Safari iPad
File upload > Gallery for PDF and images go through on both mobile and desktop browsers.
Thank you
Hello there,
we created a multi-step form using your plugin. and added an email where it should send the notification of any form submission. but I’m not getting any email on the email that I set on the form setting.
I tried to troubleshoot and sent test email. I’m receiving test emails but not getting emails when submitting the form
Für eine Fahrschule haben wir ein Anmeldeformular für die Theoriekurse erstellt und wir m?chten nun gerne, wenn man z.B. “Führerschein PKW” ausw?hlt, das man eine kleine übersicht mit den mitzubringenden Dokumenten erh?lt.
Das habe ich nun mit dem Block ?Textanzeige“ gemacht, was auch eigentlich gut funktioniert. Nur wird das werder in der Endübersicht, noch in der Email mit angezeigt. Das w?re aber ganz wichtig das der Kunde das schwarz auf wei? hat. Gibt es da irgendwie eine Funktion um das Einblenden lassen zu k?nnen?
Vielen lieben Dank im Voraus
we would like to extend the list of available “elements” == question types available in the Multi Step Form editor, in the admin backend.
We need to allow a respondent to input her answers using a visual control based on HTML canvas (coded with Is it possible to get your support to be guided in this kind of plugin extension?
Thank you
First of all, we love the plugin, it works really great. Very intuitive and easy to setup.
SEO is really important for us and I noticed that the form is using H2 and H3 which is really bad from an SEO point of view, since the form information is not as relevant to the actual content of the webpage.
This is the site I need help with:
Is there a way to change this? I know I can edit the code but then it’d be overwritten with the next update.
I’d be happy to pay for the premium version of the plugin if it’d be possible to change these to non-headings.
Thank you for your response in advance.