I chose the blogs that i wanted to post to, but when I post the article, it doesn’t show up in the blog selected
]]>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare swt_add_pages() (previously declared in /Users/Bruno/Sites/Wordpress/Blogs/web/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags/sitewide-tags.php:29) in /Users/Bruno/Sites/Wordpress/Blogs/web/wp-content/plugins/mu-post-to-multiple-blogs/mu-post-to-multiple-blogs.php on line 36
]]>Is it possible to make the items in the blog selection box checkboxes?
In my opinion this would make more sense.
]]>An error occurs when updating a post which has already had some blogs selected to post to, which makes it not possible to change which blogs you want to post to.
Commenting out line 555 allows the change to work fine.
]]>I have just set up a multisite network, and have installed this plugin.
Everything appears to work great after I checked the “enable tags” option in the sitewide tags setting. (this is not entirely clear).
The only problem I now have is that in the box where I select which blogs to post to, every blog is called “main multisite”. I haven’t given this name to any of the blogs on the network so I’m not sure where this has come from.