Hi Brajesh.
I love the simplicity of your plugin, and would propose one further enhancement:
//change termmeta table to use main site's termmeta table
$wpdb -> termmeta = $wpdb -> base_prefix . 'termmeta';
Thus we can use e.g. CMB2 to add custom fields to our global terms ??
The global categories are working fine but when a new multiste are created the global categories are lost – What am I doing wrong ?
I would love to be able to leave ‘categories’ be set on per site basis, but manage all tags from the main site.
Thank you for this useful little plugin! What do you think of this feature:
Add a settings page where the user can select for wich post types taxonomies should be shared.
Let me know if I can assist with this in any way.
I have a multisite setup and would like a way to have tags return posts from all the different sites. It sounds like this tool would work but the site is live already. Is there a process to migrate over?
I have a huge problem with display global terms. I have a WP network with main site and subdomains. Using your plugin I have created a few global categories. In each subdomain blog I have marked posts by those categories. But when I have try to display posts form any category (on main site) there is no results. I made video to better describe problem:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbm7mnu3Oz0 (mute sound)
Please help. It is so important to me.
Best regards