hi. price on catalog page not update when we change the price with this plugin.
]]>allow me to update a bunch of items on the edit page and click update all at once
]]>On the edit page, add a Sku column, and allow me to sort the products by sku
]]>If a product has a ” in it, the title is truncated at the “
]]>Can I use your product to change $0-priced products to blank entries?
]]>My client’s WooCommerce shop is mostly composed of Variable products, but there are a few Simple products, too.
At some point in the future, he’d like to be able to raise prices globally, or lower them (eg: for a store-wide sale).
Can this plugin do this?
]]>If you bulk edit a product with a double quote ” contained in the title will be truncated once you save. I suspect other symbols would also have issues but this is the first I noticed.
]]>I have installed and activated the plugin on an existing WooCommerce site. When I go to use the plug in via the menu item: WooCommerce -> Price Bulk Edit I don’t see any items just a blank screen shown in the image below.
After investigating further I discovered an ajax request that is throwing error:
POST https://www.mysiteurlhere.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)
How do I allow Shop Manager roles or Editor roles to use this plugin please?
]]>When updating prices using this plugin, even though the sales price was completely left alone (no value), when saving the row the value of the sale price gets change from empty to NULL.
This has no effect on the product when using WooCommerce, but when using the WooCommerce Google Product Feed plugin, the affected products are excluded from the feed.
To fix this I had to run the following SQL:
UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = “”
WHERE meta_key = “_sale_price”
and meta_value is null
Can you please fix your plugin to prevent this from happening?
]]>The shortcode [mq_wpbe] is not working as it used to.
Please help me fix it.
I have WPBE version 2.0 installed.
Any price modification on a variable product with this plugin remove the default variation selected value.
And maybe other properties as well….
Please fix asap ??
I just updated this plugin to version 2.0. However when I went to use it and entered a value with 2 decimal places eg 74.05 it came back with a rounded price 74. Please let me know if there is a setting I need to set to show decimal places (there wasn’t before) or whether this is a bug.
I’m just spreading the word about a new alternative to this plugin since it has been a while since it received any update.
PW Bulk Edit is available in the www.remarpro.com repository. Enjoy!
Torre Lasley
Pimwick, LLC
Hi, I just installed Product Price Bulk edit.
However, when I called the plugin, there is the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WC_Product_Simple::get_regular_price() in /home/innertal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mq-woocommerce-products-price-bulk-edit/mq_woocommerce_products_price_bulk_edit.php on line 115
How do i resolve it?
I needed to bulk update my products’ prices urgently.
Thank You.
]]>1) Edit the name of the products
2) Compatibility with PRODUCT VENDORS https://www.woothemes.com/products/product-vendors/ (if you need more info I can send you them in email) for example add a select menu where it show the products associated to the choosed VENDOR and it permit to add the products automatically associated to that VENDOR
3) Option to hide SALE PRICE and add DESCRIPTION in the list of the editable fields.
]]>Hi all.
I use qTranslate-x and have text in db in format
[:cs]nejaky text[:en]some text[:]
And in this plugin have product name in this format to…
So i do small function:
/*localization function*/
function locali($str){
$before='[:'; //set your first piece localization identifikater (default for [:en]some text[:cs]nejaky text[:]) so first piece is [:
$after=']'; //set your last piece localization identifikater (default for [:en]some text[:cs]nejaky text[:]) so last piece is ]
$lange=explode($before, $str);
foreach ($lange as $value){
$val=explode($after, $value);
echo $lang[$l];
echo $str;
/*End localization*/
I add this about line 31. (must be in <?php ?>)
And must add call this function…
I rewrite this:
echo ' href="' . get_permalink() . '" target="_blank">' . $out_of_stock_message . $product->get_title() . '</a>';
To this:
echo ' href="' . get_permalink() . '" target="_blank">' . $out_of_stock_message;
echo '</a>';
And is it all:-)
This function do localization by actual wp lang…
If you have in product name other delimiter than [:]
for example <!--:en-->some text<!--:-->
only rewrite $before on '<!--:'
and $after on '-->'
I hope someone use it.:-D
I download this plugin and do some customization.
How to add button SAVE?
Here is instruction.
In mq_woocommerce_products_price_bulk_edit.php rewrite this:
// mq_wpbe_toplevel_page() displays the page content for the custom Test Toplevel menu
function mq_wpbe_toplevel_page(){
echo '<div class="wrap">';
for this:
// mq_wpbe_toplevel_page() displays the page content for the custom Test Toplevel menu
function mq_wpbe_toplevel_page(){
echo '<div class="mq_wpbe_save" title="Save"><span class="dashicons dashicons-update"></span></div>';
echo '<div class="wrap">';
is it about line 40.
It’s code what add button.
And add data-bprice attr to input:
echo '<input type="text" class="regular_price_input" id="' . $variation->variation_id . '" size="5" value="' . $variation->get_regular_price() . '" data-bprice="' . $variation->get_regular_price() . '">';
echo '<input type="text" class="sales_price_input" style="background-color: rgb(215, 255, 255);" id="' . $variation->variation_id . '" size="5" value="' . $variation->get_sale_price() . '" data-bprice="' . $variation->get_sale_price() . '"><span class="ajax_loader mq_wpbe_ajax_loader_' . (get_locale() == "fa_IR" ? 'right' : 'left') . '" id="' . $variation->variation_id . '"> </span>';
about line 150.
Next is js:
$('.mq_wpbe_save').click(function() {
$('.mq_wpbe_products_ul').find('input').each(function() {
if( $(this).val() != $(this).data('bprice') ) {
var e = jQuery.Event("keypress");
e.which = 13; //choose the one you want
e.keyCode = 13;
add it before:
*Save a Product's Price
This js check if is value rewrite and if true, upload this value.(upload all visible changed value)
For better listing, add to js short piece of code. When the value is uploaded, give this input green background. This code add to:
$('span#' + product_id + '.ajax_loader').fadeIn('slow').html('<img src="<?php echo plugins_url( 'tick.png', __FILE__ ); ?>">');
$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response){});
Add them:
$('span#' + product_id + '.ajax_loader').fadeIn('slow').html('<img src="<?php echo plugins_url( 'tick.png', __FILE__ ); ?>">');
prod_trg.css('background-color', '#96d993');
prod_trg.data('bprice', prod_trg.val());
$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response){});
And come CSS:
.mq_wpbe_save {
position: fixed;
width: auto;
height: auto;
top: 25%;
right: 0;
rotate: 0;
background-color: #008c17;
color: white;
padding: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
.mq_wpbe_save:hover {
background-color: #00b81e;
.mq_wpbe_save .dashicons-update {
font-size: 40px;
width: auto;
height: auto;
I hope, I don’t do fault…:-D
]]>Hi body. This is great plugin. But there is a little problem. Products with unicode attribute shows some unclear characters and doesn’t show correct attribute name.
]]>Hi there,
I’m not quite sure where to paste the shortcode. Would you kindly assist?
My shop has various product categories rather than pages or posts…
Thanks for your help!
I activated this plugin.
There is a topic –
Use [mq_wpbe] Shortcode in your pages or posts for Getting Pricing Table. Please Note that if you update your product form a Product Edit Page your Pricing Table Won’t Update! Use This page to update Pricing Table in Front View
And there is not a table.
And this message –
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WC_Product_Variation::get_regular_price() in /home/u81253/dfrshopru/www/wp-content/plugins/mq-woocommerce-products-price-bulk-edit/mq_woocommerce_products_price_bulk_edit.php on line 135
What I must to do to resolve this problem. Thank you very much!
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Is it possible to add or change the product name to the SKU of the product? We have a webshop with hundreds of products, some of them with the same name but with different SKU’s.
Thanks for you feedback.
]]>When i go to the plugin and enter the price values, there is no “save” button. Nothing gets saved and reverts back to the old price!
Whenever I enter the shortcode in a product post text area, it tells me “you don’t have a Pricing Table set”
I don’t understand how this thing works. Please help.
]]>Good Plugin for Woocommerce!
Thank you very much ??
]]>Hi, do you think you can insert bulk edit for products sku? In my case will be a lifesaver.
]]>Dear Mostafa Qanbari
Thank you for great plugin
My shop has several categories. Each of categories have a admin pricing.
How can admin be limited for access to a category ?
do you have a solution for this?
]]>I installed this plugin and am on the page for it. For some reason, there’s an error at the top: “Use [mq_wpbe] Shortcode in your pages or posts for Getting Pricing Table. Please Note that if you update your product form a Product Edit Page your Pricing Table Won’t Update! Use This page to update Pricing Table in Front View.” I don’t know what this means. In addition, no products are loading at all. There is nothing in the interface. Is there a bug? Am I doing something wrong?
Note, I have 3500 products.
]]>when will be 1.0.2 available? thanks
]]>Dear author,
“Not available” products are blank in price box. When we want to change the availability of a product to “not available” status, we remove the price and make it blank. But in this case, the product is showed as “Free” not “Not available”!