I want to make a widget, From the front-end it should display how many views the product has got. With the eye icon and below or front it should display the views. Anyway or plugin can make it. Thanks
I wanted to ask if there is any way to reset the view count for products.
When creating products I duplicate an existing similar product and change the paramets that are different.
When doing so, the view count is copied as well. Because of that, I have prodcuts with very high view count, that actually have only been viewed once or twice by me, to check if everything looks right.
Is there any way to wipe the view count of a specific product or of all products and have it start over?
I installed your plugin and it works nicely! Now, we need some extra features related to the info you show in this plugin.
Can we hire you to help us develop those features?
I look forward to your reply!
]]>Love the plugin but have found 3 bugs. Here is the 1st and most important.
Whenever the number of views reaches 100 the product disappears from the list completely. Also, it never comes back onto the list. Even if the products is viewed again.
]]>We have multiple products with the exact same number of views. This includes products old and new. There are products that we know users have not looked at but they still have a view count.
What activities increase view counts?
do counts include bots looking at products?
do counts include admins looking at products on backend?
]]>We tested this by viewing the same product multiple times. each time the counter incresed by 2 not 1.
]]>Installed the plug-in it works, but shows Warring in Admin dashbord:
Warning: Declaration of ZWCMVP_Orders_table::prepare_items($data) should be compatible with WP_List_Table::prepare_items() in /wp-content/plugins/most-viewed-products-for-woocommerce/includes/classes/class-zwcmvp-orders-table.php on line 0
Using Genesis Framework.