Fields captions are supposed to accept HTML, however they encode html entities.
Here’s the fix:
more-fields-settings-object.php line 392:
$html = str_replace('%caption%', '<p class="mf_caption">' . html_entity_decode($field['caption']) . '</p>', $html);
After updating to WordPress 4.0 the auto complete no longer works when filling in custom fields when writing new pages or posts. Any suggestions?
]]>I need to output 0 if the field is empty, any easy way to achieve this ?
Thanks for help
the plugin still activates with the latest (at the time of writing, v3.6.1) version of WordPress, but when you try to edit/create a post using any of the boxes created with this plugin, the UI doesn’t let you rearrange any elements on the edit dashboard, meaning that the plugin is messing with core functionality.
Pity ??
]]>image links not working anymore.
]]>I was thinking is there anyway we can add custom shortcode to modify a value.
Usual code of shortcode
function footag_func( $atts ) {
return “foo = {$atts[‘foo’]}”;
add_shortcode(‘footag’, ‘footag_func’);
shortcode in post by email
[myshort meta=”value”] is different than footag.
category shortcode is setting some value in post.
I have created custom meta box, is there anyway i can set this using shortcode ?
or even being able to call a function in functions.php with parameters would do.
]]>I’m working on a theme called ‘Massive News’ where this plugin is integrated to show 4 boxes on the homepage. Since the latest WP updates the images I select in a post or page from the file list, convert in to numbers instead of urls, so the images don’t show anymore.
<div class="box featured_box" style="background: url(2033) center no-repeat;">
I already tried to disable all other plugins but that didn’t make a difference.
Thanks for looking into it.
]]>The plugin still works, but new boxes and overrides no longer. When hitting save I always get: Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in wp-content\plugins\more-fields\more-plugins\more-plugins-admin.php on line 303
]]>Am I missing it in the documentation – cann’t find any code example showing how to create a new input box programmatically? The box would typically contain list of fields, post_type it’s associated with, roles …etc.
]]>I have made use of the plugin “more-fields.2.1” and added new textboxes and one textarea.
Now the problem is that the options or the data that is entered in these new textboxes is not getting displayed in the post. data are showing in admin side but not showing on front side..
for example this site used more field plugin for Features of and Specification of Click Here
]]>When I’m working with a custom post type (created by WordPress Custom Post Type UI plugin), that has been enhanced with your More Fields plugin, I notice that text fields work fine, but when I try and use radio or select fields (I’ve only checked these two so far), a problem occurs during save.
1) Click save
2) Custom post saves
3) Page reloads and same custom post is shown.
1) Click save
2) Post saved as draft
3) User redirected to the list of standard posts (wp-edit.php)
Drag n Drop UI for items would be awesome and help when saving an edited item, which gets shoved to the bottom of the stack.
]]>Hey! I browsed all the other topics and couldn’t find a solution. What I want to do is to use a Select field for entering a long text, and I think it would be great to use a label for selecting the value I need from the list. Is it possible? Sorry if this was answered. Thanks!
]]>Hey everyone,
I’m having a few problems with the plugin and I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix it.
first of all.
A few days ago I added a checkbox, if the checkbox is checked the page shows some other content than ehen its not checked.
However what happens now is that i go to the custom post type, check the box and save the page.
When i look at the box after the page is safed, the checkbox is off again.
I found a solution in this topic( ) but that isn’t working
My second problem is that i cannot open the screen options to turn boxes on/off, but only on pages.
I tried disabling plugins and found out it was morefields that causes the problem.
I’m thinking of using another plugin because this one is really buggy, on the other side this one is easy to use and i don’t want to move all my boxes and fields and custom field keys to other plugins and my template.
someone knows how to fix this?
]]>Hi there I am using this plugin (just started testing if it feeds my needs) because I was not able to build metaboxes myself :/
Is there a way to create the metaboxes with this plugin and then use them in themes (without the plugin?) Is this a plugin that builds the code and you copy it to your files?
If not that would be a great thing to add in an update!
Thanks ??
]]>It’s probably a stupid question but i just can’t get it to work and I also cannot find the answer anywhere.
I have a custom post type called ‘projecten’ with 3 morefields, 2 textline’s and one chekbox.
The textboxes are working great, people can enter the text they want to appear in de ‘project’.
I loop the featured image and in the left top of the div there is an picture that is absolute positioned and 80px width, it’s an stamp to say the project is new.
Above that i have a black box where people can fill in something through the morefields.
Now what i want to happen is that when people check the checkbox ‘nieuw’ on the project page that the black box move 80px to the left so the ‘new’ stamp will appear.
i have this code now:
<?php if (get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘new-project-check’, true) ) : ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
.extracontent-block .stamp{
left: 80px;
<?php endif; ?>
but that doesn’t seem to work.
Sorry for the long question I’m building the site on my localhost so i cant just send you an link to the site.
Bound to mess up other queries that people have going on with their themes/plugins. I’ve already helped one person with this fact.
is there a way to make file list shows all media files instead of current post media only
i know this may cause a problem later on when media files number exceed N number. but i think it will be fine for my small site.
]]>I’m developing a site for a client, and love the user-friendly back end that this plugin allows me to create for my client’s content manager. I have an odd problem though, when I enter values into my custom fields using the plugin interface and update the post, it deletes the title of the post (the actual title field, not a custom field labeled “title”). When I view the website, wherever I call the post’s title doesn’t show up. What might cause this?
I am using a custom theme, and calling the values to populate a page template.
Version of More Fields being used:
v 2.1
Other Active Plugins:
Akismet (2.5.7)
Breadcrumb NavXT (4.2.0)
DirtySuds – Category Thumbnail (1.01.20121202)
Disqus Comment System (2.74)
Fast Secure Contact Form (
Gravity Forms (1.6.12)
Imember360 (3.5.013)
Jetpack (2.2)
AllinOne Content Slider (3.3)
Simply Sociable (1.0.2)
Video Thumbnails (1.8.2)
Wordpress Backup to Dropbox (1.4.5)
Wordpress HTTPS (3.3.6)
Wordpress SEO (1.4.3)
WP-Paginate (1.2.4)
WPJobBoard (3.6.0)
Sorry if there is a duplicate thread but I have no idea how to move an existing field with existing data from box A to box B. Is this possible? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I have made use of the plugin “more-fields.2.1” and added 2 new textboxes and one textarea.
Now the problem is that the options or the data that is entered in these new textboxes is not getting displayed in the page. data are showing in admin side bt not showing on front end..
Only the details in the “enter title here” and “description” are getting displayed.
plz answ it
]]>Without loosing any Data?
I noticed the WYSIWYG isn’t working in the back-end and seen here that you managed to fix it in a fork of the plugin.
That was 8 months ago – are there any plans to release this new version here on
]]>I cannot get the Advanced Access options to save.
They save for the box, but not for the field.
“Access – The roles for which this box will be visible.”
I check them, save, and look back and they are unchecked again.
]]>Hi, im using “Display Posts shortcode” to display my posts using a shortcode. This is working perfectly, but when i place more_fields(‘myfield’) it places the result at the top of the page and in the place where i put it only shows up a “1”.
Does anyone has a clue why this is happening?
i need support for multiple checkbox values, let say an ability to select 2 out of 3 options.
as far as i understand the solution is here:
but i dont know how to implement it,
any help would be appreciated.
I’m using more fields on one website and I have a field with the type “select”. I want to add more options in it, but the field “Values (if applicable)” is disabled. What should I do to make it editable?
Is it possible to only show the meta box of a custom field on a specific page in the back-end?
For example:
I only use a custom field only for the home page but now the meta box for this field pops up on all the pages in the back-end. I’d like this to only happen on the admin page of the home page.
]]>Hi I have two bug with WP v3.5.1 & Plugin v2.1 :
One is blocking (the fields created are not working at all) :
error : “Notice: Undefined index: fields in …/wp-content/plugins/more-fields/more-fields-settings.php on line 41”
and I have a warning from debug bar :
WARNING: wp-content/plugins/more-fields/more-fields-settings-object.php:215 – constant(): Couldn’t find constant DOING_AUTOSAVE
Does anyone have the same problem ?
Thanks for any help !