I would like to use images or text icons instead of the texts (excited/sad/angry etc.)
Is it possible? How?
I have one problem and I thing this is a bug. When I see post on page have one rate, but in stats is different.
Here is the picture of my problem:
If you see is most voted with All right but in post is Very good. Can someone tell me how to fix this?
]]>What do I need to alter to make the rating bar appear as justified left on the post? Right now it appears on the right. Thank you.
]]>Found a bug or two I think:
When deleting (resetting) the data because I recustomized the moods , it seems a user is unable to make a new vote if he’d already made an ‘old’ one one for that same post.
When sharing a mood on FB or Twitter, the ‘Share this’-message doens’t disappear after sending them. But perhaps that’s because it seems to send a message to FB or Twitter, but never to both of them.
Three requests:
The ability to create different mood-sets. Something like [moodthingy set=1]
The ability to choose to send it to either FB or Twitter (or both).
The ability to add the post’s ‘featured image’ (if any) when sharing a mood to social media.
]]>I saw this comment on codecanyon:
“I just deactivated your plugin. It caused lot’s of W3C-Errors and bad influence for SEO because of not proper coding as well. Too bad I bought it ?? “
I’d like to purchase, but have some concerns regarding this. I wanted to get your feedback. Plus, you have not responded to my email or comments in codecanyon for a month.
]]>When I activated the plugin the right sidebar moved under the post. I use multisite setup and I activated the plugin only at the main site. It appears that the plugin’s CSS breaks the site. Bypass works, but it doesn’t look ok. Any solution on this?
Thanks in advance
]]>I seem to have problems using my Google Font with the plugin.
Check it out here: https://bagnummeret.dk/2012/11/19/esther-maria-love-hasnt-found-me/
Here’s the CSS:
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans:regular,bold|Droid+Serif:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic&subset=latin);
#moodthingy-widget #hdr {color:#333; background-color: #EFEFEF; font: bold 1.2em/ 1.4 'Droid Sans', arial, sans-serif !important; border:1px solid #CCC;border-bottom:none;}
]]>hello,i’m using this great plugin but someone put always fake on my videos (they are sorting like this : Fake,good,fascinating,great,Wonderfull)
So is it possible to only give access to the rating mood for only register users ?
thank for your help and sorry for bad english.
]]>Is this plugin multi-site compatible? Usually that kind of problem happens when plugin does not create tables for blog (site).
But on other side it does note allow me to vote again so it saves some information. Any clue?
Check it
]]>Ok, the custom CSS box and keeping it in the uploads directory works great. I’m encountering an issue with multisites.
You cannot customize it on a per site basis. It will affect every site that is using the plugin. Right now, because I bought the PRO version, I’m just using the PRO version on the one site that needs it.
The suggestion here is to use the same method as I suggested before in the PRO comments. putting a check box that bypasses the plugin CSS and instead uses the theme CSS would be a good way to go about it.
Thanks and great job!
]]>Slows the page load time when moodthingy.com is down. You guys should do something about it.
]]>Greatest plugin and rare plugin for rating! Very good job!
can i translate this?