I transitioned hosting to Siteground, am now getting an error:
Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/$account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/module-positions/module-positions.php on line 473
The default version of PHP is 7.0.15. In order to suppress the error tech support added a line to the .htaccess to force a lower version of PHP:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php55 .php .php5 .php4 .php3
It appears that the plugin needs to be updated?
]]>This is IMHO one of the most valuable of all WordPress plugins however it could be improved.
A general wordpress problem is the inherent auto formatting and inserting <p> and
tags where you might not want. This creates problems with spacing (padding) as well as bad html.
I have tested a number of plugins designed to disable wordpress autoformatting. They work on post/page content but not content generated through this plugin.
Can you make this work?
]]>I keep getting PHP Warning
errors (by the thousands) all of which are referencing Line 412
of the module-positions.php
file. The error message reads, PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /my/custom/path/plugins/module-positions/module-positions.php on line 412
Why is this error getting thrown and how can it be fixed?
]]>First of all – I like this program. It makes it pretty easy to add a now position and corresponding content in a theme.
Let’s say that I have added code like the following into a position:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[moduleposition id=”2″]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[moduleposition id=”3″]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[moduleposition id=”4″]’); ?>
If any of 2,3 or 4 are valid, content will display.
1) What mysql query will check to see if any are valid?
In my case if they are active, they will display side-by-side (using bootstrap for responsiveness). Depending on how many of the 3 are active I need to set the CSS class to handle 1,2, or 3 modules.
2) What query will return a result of 1, 2 or 3 being active? This may or may not cover the first need.
]]>I love this plugin and use it a lot, but I can not get the Selected – Sections – Category Section option to work in the “Visible In:” box. The “All” or “None” work but the “All except” and “Selected” radio buttons do not seem to work. Thanks.
In my functions.php
file, I’m attempting to call custom-pos-header.php
which contains only one line: <?php echo do_shortcode('[moduleposition id="1"]'); ?>
I keep getting this message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function do_shortcode() in /www/mySite/wp-content/themes/myTheme/inc/custom-pos-header.php on line 1
After Googling for a couple days, I came across numerous suggestions saying to do it through Ajax. Here’s the entry I made in my functions.php
// embed the javascript file that makes the AJAX request
wp_enqueue_script( 'load-mobile-header-ajax', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/ajax.js', array( 'fnd-jquery' ) );
wp_localize_script( 'load-mobile-header-ajax', 'myAjax', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_load_mobile_header', 'load_mobile_header' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_load_mobile_header', 'load_mobile_header' ); // need this to serve non logged in users
function load_mobile_header(){
$mobile_header = get_template_directory_uri().'/inc/custom-pos-header.php';
return $mobile_header;
Here is the entry I’ve added to my ajax.js
// previous type was "POST"
url: ajaxurl,
data: {
action : "load_mobile_header"
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?
I have downloaded and tried to activate the plugin. When I hit “activate plugin” it end up with the following error.
Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress-4.1\wp-content\plugins\module-positions\module-positions.php on line 1093
Please advise.
Thank you
Vielen Dank für Ihre Erweiterung. Ich habe seit acht Jahre nur Joomla! benutzt, weil ich WordPress verwirrend habe gefunden. Ihre Module Positions gibt mir gro?e Flexibilit?t, somit ich fange WordPress m?gen an.
Ich brauche ein bisschen Hilfen von Ihnen.
(switching to english… it will take less time)
I installed the plugin and immediately saw how it would work. this really does give me the flexibility I have come to know in Joomla! – but I am still not very familiar with certain things. for example: I have registered a widget position that goes across the top of my site. I entered the php code to include the new widget position ‘top_bar’ in a div tag that I created in my header.php. then I applied the Module Positions to that widget manager in the admin. I added 3 instances because I have 3 items I want on the top.
the widgets were brought in successfully, however, they are all stacked and not working within the responsive parameters of the site.
additionally, after adding the module positions, the responsive menu I have no longer works.
can you help out with where I am going wrong?
Ich danke Ihnen,
My site is using Module Positions for custom content displaying. Tt has been working very well until the WP system upgraded to 3.9.2 automatically, now I cannot log in to the admin panel: after submitting the login form, the server returns a blank page without any error message. I have to change the plugin folder’s name to deactivate it to access the admin panel again. Now the plugin’s broken, always returns a blank page after activating. Does anyone meet this error like me?
]]>Hi Philipp,
Thank you for creating this great plugin in the first place. I am wondering if you can add in the plugin settings to allow a wrapper on individual module position?
I would like to know if you have possibilities to have visibility into custom taxonomy, which are not shown on the menu
]]>When activate plugin, I have php errors on a widgets.
]]>When I look at the pages the modules are assigned to I only see 404, search, tag, archive, author. I have alot more pages on my website but for some reason I am not givin the option to put the module on those pages..What am I doing wrong? https://puu.sh/45A3B.png
]]>nice plugin. still a little buggy. when saving a module content, got this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() inccc/wp-content/plugins/module-positions/module-positions.php on line 1036
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ccc/wp-content/plugins/module-positions/module-positions.php on line 1036
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at ccc/wp-content/plugins/module-positions/module-positions.php:1036) in ccc/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
]]>Hi there
I have installed this plugin but cannot get it to work with my site. I am trying to create a left side navigation on some of my pages. I am fairly new to WordPress.
Thanks Andy
]]>Hey hey,
strange thing: If I wanna create content, I go “Modulepositions” -> “Content” -> “Create new”. On the nxt screen I can select which menu to make selection “for all” / “for selected” and so on, but my menu is not showing up.
I have more than one menu in my TMPL – the first one (includes two pages) is shown, the second (includes pages, posts, cats) is not shown. So I can’t make any selection (“for all” / “for selected” / …)
Any idea? Thanks.
]]>For some reason I can’t see the Module Positions Link. I only have a link to create content and assign a position which by default is 1 but there isn’t a link to create module positions.