is it possible to keep the result of a poll after it ends?
I would like to start a poll, and when it is finished, it should show the result, but not during the duration of the poll.
My thest poll unfortunately lost all votes after the end date.
Thank you very much for your kind assistance!
I changed the closing time of the poll and suddenly all the votes disappeared and there were quite a few ?? is there any way to get it back?
Whenever I want to vote on my website, the error code PC-004 comes up. Can someone help me to fix the error
]]>The plugin is very good, just I am curious, can I duplicate or clone the polling question and answers? Or can I reset the result of the question? So that I don’t need to create the poll every week for a same voting.
Thank you.
]]>I get the following javascript error and cannot vote.
Do you know the cause?
Uncaught ReferenceError: mpp_vote is not defined
]]>Hello I’m trying to find if it’s possible to use the poll in a widget in the sidebar , but I can’t find a solution.
Any idea ?
Thank you!
As mentioned in topic title I don’t know why it’s showing only the lowest amount that has been voted for when I want it to always start at 0. Does anyone know how to fix it or where to edit some file to get this result?
]]>As mentioned in topic title I need to change the buttons: VOTE, RESULTS and BACK TO VOTE to Polish language. I tried to find how to do it myself but can’t seem to get it to work. Anyone?
]]>The user gets text in German if they have already voted? Can this be changed?
“Vielen dank fur Ihre Teilnahme!
]]>Hej there,
How do I generate templates?
I’d like to support with different templates (Vorlagen) for Modern Polls.
Right now I am searching to implement systemic consensus (Systemisches Konsensieren/Widerstandsabfrage).
Is that possible? Is there a guide to do this?
I found no help under help(Hilfe) ? ??
kind regards!
…the moment a bug! – in activation of the plug-in the Customizer > ‘Additional CSS’ is broken. I.e. After saving the code and closing the customizer, the adjustment is not there. Next time you open the customizer, you can see that the codes are faulty. This is different if CSS is already saved before. The CSS code that was already there before is not changed, but the new code is not saved.
So you can use the plugin and the “Additional CSS” to deactivate the Modern Polls. After that the Customizer works and CSS code can be saved without errors. When the poll is activated, this remains the same.
I tested on wegerl.at with WordPress, ditmars.bplaced.net with ClassicPress (…and they say to the website, this is good input) and on MAMP.
So maybe for the next update! – so that it is a poll as it is in design, handling and then also to the function simply only performer.
And hello! – and above all, thank you very much for the plug-in Modern Polls.
… und auf gut Deutsch:
Des Moments ein Bug! – in Aktivierung des Plug-ins ist dann der Customizer > ‘Zus?tzliches CSS’ defekt. D. h. Nach abspeichern des Codes und schlie?en des Customizers ist die Anpassung nicht da. N?chst dem ?ffnen des Customizers ist zu sehen, dass die Codes fehlerhaft sind. Anders wenn schon vorher CSS abgespeichert ist. Da wird zwar der schon vorher da gewesene CSS-Code nicht ver?ndert, aber dem nun neuen Code folgt keine Abspeicherung.
So bleibt in Benützung des Plug-ins und des “Zus?tzlichen CSS” die Deaktivierung des Modern Polls. Danach funkt der Customizer und CSS-Code sind fehlerfrei abzuspeichern. In Aktivierung des Polls bleibt dies dann auch so erhalten.
Getestet wurde von mir auf wegerl.at mit WordPress, ditmars.bplaced.net mit ClassicPress (…und man sagt zur Website, das ist guter Input) und am MAMP.
Also evtl. für das n?chst Update! – sodass es ein Poll wie es in Design, der Handhabung und dann auch zur Funktion einfach nur Performant ist.
Und hallo! – und vor allem Dir vielen Dank für das Plug-in Modern Polls.
I got the same Problem as wolfram:
Installed this plugin. Admin looks great and simple.
But how do i show the polls in post or pages?
I dont see a widget to inlcude. Also i dont see shortcodes i can use. And i dont see any block i could add to my posting? The “Help” section is just a blank page
Need help please, cause i like the Plugin.
]]>Installed this plugin. Admin looks great and simple.
But how do i show the polls in post or pages?
I dont see a widget to inlcude. Also i dont see shortcodes i can use. And i dont see any block i could add to my posting? The “Help” section is just a blank page ??
Just using actual wordpress version. always up to date.
]]>I use Themify for many sites and installed Modern Polls plugin as a test. It appears it has issues and does not work within the builder editor feature, but does within the default editor. However, when active, new edits to the builder editors do not save. I am not sure if there would be a work-around, but felt you would like to be aware of this issue.
]]>Seems a viewer can vote as many times as desired? Is this correct? Any way to limit users to one instance?