I use this plugin on several sites and although it is still working fine on the per post level (i.e. if one chooses to enable full comment moderation on a post’s edit page, then this option works as advertised), the Settings>>Options page no longer shows me the Post List where I could previously quickly choose to place several posts at once into full comment moderation.
I don’t know exactly which WordPress upgrade made this stop working – I don’t look at the options page for this plugin more than once or twice a year.
The PlugIn works like a charm, and I’d like to do a translation.
I took the moderate-selected-posts.pot, edited it with PoEdit and uploaded moderate-selected-posts-de_DE.mo into the “lang” directory of the plugin.
But nothing happensā¦ I also tried de_DE.mo, but to no avail.
There was an error when saving, because the entry “Moderate Selected Posts” appears two times – I removed one from the .pot, but it did not work also.
Any hints?
]]>I enabled moderation for a single post but when I go to the management page for your plugin I do not see the post listed there.
]]>It seems to work fine for pages; is there something I’m missing or is the description just out of date?
]]>Is it possible to use moderate selected posts with custom posts types? Just installed it and if I go to make a new post of a different post type, the moderation option isn’t on the post page, and if I go to the settings page, none of my custom post types are listed, just actual posts. Let me know if this is possible. Thanks!!