Good afternoon I installed the plugin but when I upload the image in WordPress 4.9.6 you have some new update that is working.
Shortcodes with categories don’t work with wordpress 4.8. Have you planned an update ?
Your plugin is very great otherwise.
hi there, Mathieu, i’m sure you’re busy but there seem to be a number of users wanting to use shortcode calls inside of portfolio item description text with your excellent plugin. i had a workaround that seems to be broken now, and it seems obvious now that a few users in the past year want to have this functionality available. can you please let us know if this will be possible at some point in the near future, or have you basically abandoned development on this plugin? most recent version seems to be well over one year ago. thanks! meanwhile i will try to pursue a fix myself. but it would be nice if it would be included in your code.
I want to put shortcode in description to display sharing button(facebook,twitter….), when I put the shortcode he display the text instead of execute the shortcode.
Have you got a solution to this issues?
Thanks in advance
Hi there,
First of all, great and lovely plugin!
I want to use Visual Composer for the portfolio posts, and I registered it successfully inside the options of VC (you can choose from pages, posts, as well as portfolio posts). But however, in the front it displays the shortcode like this:
instead of the actual stuff.
How can this be fixed, so that it displays it correctly?
Many thanks!
Tout fonctionne à merveille… sauf les titres lors du survol du thumbnail. Ils n’apparaissent pas.
Pourtant, au clic, l’image s’agrandit bien, le titre et le description apparaissent aussi tout à fait.
Un petit coup de main ??
Merci d’avance.
hi Matthieu, i really like your portfolio plugin. out of a dozen or more i’ve tried it is the best and works with my custom theme. but i’m having an issue using the media player MP3-jplayer. unfortunately shortcodes to it do not show up within the simplemodal popup window content area – it just prints the text of the shortcode. interestingly enough however it does show up fine in the visual editor for the portfolio item itself. i’m using WP 4.4.2 with the Onetone theme. the shortcodes seem to work fine in that theme but it only shows up as text in your modal popup window.
is there a audio player plugin that handles playlists you would recommend that works with your plugin, specifically in the Popup window? or is there an easy way to add recognition of the MP3-jplayer plugin? any help appreciated!
to demonstrate the problem go to this link:
rollover the ‘Brainventures’ item and open it. shortcode only displays text.
to see a normal page go here:
nice plugin!
My problem is that the box open not in the center of browser windows. It’s too far above – i see only an halb of the box. When I change the size of the browser windows, than the bis switch on the correct position. What can I do?
Safari or Firefox the same problem.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for this great Lugin, the one that worked the way I wanted and not of comflito with my theme.
I would like to add in portifolio screen the title of the project, can be on top of the image over the image or below the image, I would like to do this, and how?
Thank you!
Je viens d’installer votre plugin.
Seulement, dès que j’insère le shortcode [modal-portfolio] j’ai une page blanche avec un message d’erreur de type INTERNAL SERVER…
Savez vous d’où vient le problème?
Merci d’avance