This might be a 4.8 issue, but a few days ago it worked perfectly, but now it doesn’t detect and S6. Tested on iphone 5 and it works fine.
I am not sure when this problem started, but while using the Mobble Shortcodes plugin, all of a sudden the [is_not_mobile] shortcode seems not to be working. Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone help out?
P.S. My website is and I am trying to use the shortcode in a widget in the left sidebar of posts.
]]>I’ve had issues with this since the update,
[is_not_mobile] works fine
[is_mobile] does not…
nor does [is_android]
(not tested any other)
any help appreciated
]]>Hi Philip,
first of all: I love this Plugin!
The Bug:
Shortcodes doesn’t work since last update to 0.2.3.
0.2.1 works fine.
Hope you can fix it soon ??
I tried using a rev_slider shortcode within mobble shortcode, as to only display the slider on the desktop, instead it was showing the slider shortcode as text.
the last post about a shortcode within a mobble shortcode, was marked resolved, but it didn’t seem to be, I downloaded the latest version and was still having the same issue.
so I decided to post my solution, and hopefully will be implemented in the next version.
in the switch that processes the short code, I changed every case by adding a line of code to each one:
case 'is_handheld';
if (is_handheld())
return $content;
case 'is_handheld';
if (is_handheld())
$content = do_shortcode($content);
return $content;
I want to thank the developer for writing this plugin, and hope he will add this to the next release.
]]>Or does it support something like that?
I want to swap out an image on a site and I’m curious if I can just do something like:
![is_mobile][image src=”pic.jpg”][/is_mobile]
[is_mobile][image src=”other_pic.jph”],/is_mobile]
Hi – and thanks for taking the time to create this great plugin.
I have a shortcode to create a button on my site. It takes the form [button]button stuff[/button].
I only want this to display on mobile devices so added your plugin and put
[is_mobile][button]button stuff[/button][/is_mobile] on the page.
It correctly removes the buttons from desktop versions, however, on mobile versions instead of showing the buttons, it shows the literal text ie “[button]button stuff[/button]”.
Is there a way to run shortcodes within mobble shortcodes?