Ok, I’m Not going to lie I’m trying to develop a social media platform I have already complete all the pages. Registration, Login, Profile, Photos, Feed, and Videos.
(My host also has notified me they can handle the load.)
1. When someone registers I want it to clone the profile, photos, videos, and feeds stored as a template and allow the users to make the changes themselves on each page that belongs to them on their own account. (The cloning is the issue)
2. It will also need it to jump to their specific account upon login, not the main page.
look at the graph below I want the login to go to a specific user account that is created after the registration.
V /photos\
registration-login-?-profile< videos > all have chat.
\feeds /
MM Forms WAS working fine … but I recently got a complaint from a few people:
When someone goes in, completes the form, and clicks the SUBMIT button … the loading graphic appears to the right of the SUBMIT button and just continues to load. There is no confirmation and the page never changes. It just appears to load-and-load.
I checked the database, and it appears that submissions are occurring … however, because the SUBMIT just continues to load, my users are constantly hitting it over & over again (so I am getting multiple submissions, and complaints that the submissions aren’t happening).
Can someone help?
]]>When I add a fileUpload field to my form, it does not appear under the field’s label. I looked at the source code, and it is grabbing an iframe with nothing in the body. What is the issue here?
]]>Hi everyone,
We have been using MM Forms Pro and it was good until it became free. And since it became free it only works fine up to wordpress 3.2.1.. Well, the problem with the MM Forms in wordpress 3.3.1 is that it does not redirect upon success. Anyone has the same problem and or has a solution?
Also, I am not sure if this plugin will be updated anytime soon and I don’t think I can wait that long. So if anyone has any suggestion for an alternative plugin that works just like mm forms pro, please share them here.
]]>Quite simply once forms are embedded in a page they wont display.
]]>WordPress MM Forms Community plugin is prone to an SQL injection vulnerability because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query. Exploiting this issue could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database. Successful exploitation requires “magic_quotes” directive set to “Off”. MM Forms Community plugin version 1.2.3 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.
Are there any plans to fix this?
]]>Hi there,
How can I prevent the automatic emails going out to people that have submitted forms showing as theyre coming from “WordPress”? Ive specified the “From” to be the company name, but its still showing WordPress…
Many thanks
With last actualization “MM Forms Community” I can’t save changes made in wordpress Menus and Widgets.
When I disable the plugin I can save M&W with no problem, but when I enable it, again I can’t save M&W.
Let’s see if someone can solve this issue.
Thank You
With the new version of “wordpress” the Menu section is broken.
It doesn’t let me add anything (page, link or category) and if I make any change in menu it don’t let me save changes.
I have deactivated all plugins and Menus works, then I active only MMFC and menus doesn’t work again.
]]>The plugin causes the TinyMCE controls in the post/page editor to be broken.
]]>MM Forms Community and WordPress 3.1 doesn’t play nicely at the moment. When the plugin is active the visual editor doesn’t work: none of the icons are shown (they slide out) and it’s not possible to enter text into the textarea..
Deactivating the plugin solves the problem for now.
I recently installed the MM Forms Community and so far it seems working fine. I just notice that you can add a “file field” from the form. But when I view it live it does not appear, instead that section displays:
Internal Server Error
Any option/settings that I missed to make this work?
I tested a contact form and when I hit submit, I see the loading icon but then the input just disappears and there’s no message whatsoever if you have successful submitted or not. However, it went to my email successfully.
I’ts the latest version of the plugin, and I am not sure where to add the “thank you” message upon submit.
]]>When I click send on the form the “processing” wheel just keeps spinning.
]]>If you run into this error, open up the file “ajaxfileupload.js” located under “mm-forms-community/js”, and do a search for “json” (it will be located under the function “uploadHttpData” on line 191).
Replace lowercase ‘json’ with uppercase ‘JSON’ — save file and upload it to the same location on your server.
]]>Do I have to pay for the basic version… there is no button on the html editor interface
can you show me the code to insert into the html area
]]>on a fresh load, the calendar icon is broken on a datepicker field.
Root directory of the plugin
open mm-forms.php
Code line 5025:
$calendar_icon = get_option(“siteurl”) . “/wp-content/plugins”.CONTACTFORM.”/images/calendar.png”;
add a “/” after plugins
$calendar_icon = get_option(“siteurl”) . “/wp-content/plugins/”.CONTACTFORM.”/images/calendar.png”;
Fresh WordPress install. The lastest module.
The output on using the MM Forms code is quite blank:
<div class="mmf" id="mmf-f1-p14-o1"><a name="outcome_msg"></a>
<div class="mmf-response-output"></div>
dezactivate all the plugins, still got it. uninstall it, re-activate – same. what’s wrong?
]]>Hi there
Just wondering why the custom notifications tab is not available in the latest version?
Just discovered this plugin conflicts with the Online Booking Calendar plugin. If MM Forms is activated, the calendar does not show and the image gallery on the page is messed up.
I have only used mm-forms and I’m wondering if has similar “look & feel” of the mm-forms.
1. How to install? I’ll uninstall my current mm-forms then just install this?
2. Also what happens to the database of users? I saw an export from mm-forms but can I upload it to this plugin?
]]>Steps to reproduce:
1) Fill out the form.
2) Click “Sign Up”
Upon submission, visitor is redirected to the same URL -“https://vyzit.com.s71507.gridserver.com”- but it says 404, page not found.
]]>Hi there,
I have just installed the latest version of MM Forms Community on a 3.0 release of WP. I created e new form but didn’t manage to save it. No error, clicked on Save changes, script runs for a few seconds and I’m prompted with the Home section of MM Forms Community, but my form does not appear in the table with the forms…
I’m working on a local machine with Xampp. I already checked for read-only dirs and have made them read/write, but without any change in result…
Thanks in advance
]]>When creating or editing a form, I am unable to access the Mail Options, Export Options, or More Settings menus. When I click on the links, nothing happens. So very frustrating–MM Forms was a great plugin, but it isn’t working with 3.0 for me.
I added captcha in my form and its just shows the word “captcha”. I thought I forgot the “Really Simple CAPTCHA” and so I installed it. But still the same. What plugin for captcha does this one require?