I love Mistape ! But it adds a link on all my articles on byothe.fr.
I deactivated the “Powered by” option that was supposed to add the link but I still have it everywhere even when I deactivate the icon…
Is it normal ?
I use your plugin on Desktop version of my website. However, not sure if can have it somehow on my AMP version of page?
Can you let me know if it is possible, and if yes how I can turn it on?
Thank you.
I am trying things with Mistape (a plugin I love)… but when I deactivate the plugin, the short code [mistape] remains at the top of my articles..
I never added manually the short code… it was put there by the plugin…
What can I do to remove it on all articles ?
]]>Hey Mistake-Team,
since some weeks I get everyday one or two mails with different words marked as mistake. The problem appeared randomly and since then it never stopped. I deactivated the plugin for two weeks and the day I activated it again, I just got mails again. Is this a bot doing that or maybe a plugin problem?
Fatal compile error E_COMPILE_ERROR at line 3 /home/domain/www/wp-content/plugins/mistape/src/class-deco-mistape-table.php. Error message: Cannot declare class Deco_Mistape_Table_Addon, because the name is already in use.
I have Mistape PRO versions
I would like to deactivate mistape on mobile I can’t find an option how can I do it?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hello. Thank you for a great plugin.
However, Mistape includes H2 and H3 tags in the source code of the site, which are misused. From the point of view of SEO promotion, these tags should contain only important information on the topic of the site.
The presence of unnecessary tags negatively affects the promotion in search engines.
Could you in the next update, instead of H2 and H3, assign a <p> tag for text or something else.
(I temporarily replaced the tags with <p> in the class-deco-mistape-abstract.php file and the issue was resolved, but there were still extra CSS styles)
Какая комбинация клавиш на MacOS, чтобы плагин сработал?
]]>Hello, I’ve just read a post about a Pro version of Mistape. There is no pro version of the plugin – see https://mistape.com/ – so I wonder where the user bought this.
]]>Hey everybody) Need your help! I want to change the preset text of a dialogue window which appears after one presses Ctrl+Enter. Is it possible to change any of the following text: “Spelling error report”, “The following text will be sent to our editors”, “Your comment (optional)”?
If yes, could you provide a basic example? I have seen mistape hooks but not sure what are they and whether they will do what I need. I don’t know how to use them(
A screenshot of what I want to edit)
I use Mistape (free).
I have buy pro version, but i can’t activate options or enter login and password.
The link indicated in e-mail (Your Mistape PRO Paddle.com Order), suggests that I download the version that I already have.
There is no space to indicate login and password.
Can you help me ?
The link on icon is appearing even with the option disabled.
Option: https://c2n.me/4ag5Nv7.png
Page: https://c2n.me/4ag5Ocy.png
Mistape crashes and sometimes? breaks the website where it is installed for users on macOS Big Sur (v11).
This is how it looks on my site:
Good day!
Could you tell me if it is possible to view the corrections if the sender has Mistape spam protection activated (maybe through the detailed error statistics available in Mistape PRO)? Those. the sender continued to highlight errors in the text, but the plugin itself no longer sent them to the recipient. As far as I understand, the sender does not receive a message that his corrections will not be delivered.
Thank you in advance!
]]>Добрый день!
Не подскажите, имеется ли возможность посмотреть исправления в случае, если у отправителя сработала защита от спама Mistape (может быть через детализированную статистику ошибок, доступую в Mistape PRO)? Т.е. отправитель продолжал выделять ошибки в тексте, однако сам плагин уже не отправлял их получателю. Насколько я понимаю, отправителю не приходит сообщение, что его исправления не будут доставлены.
Заранее спасибо!
Сделайте оповещение о том, что пользователь выделил слишком много текста. А то сейчас не показывает ничего, и от этого может сложиться впечатление, что функционал не работает.
]]>The plugin is really great and useful. However, it has not been updated for a while.
We know it takes a lot of work and time.
Do you think you will continue the great adventure ?
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress.
It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
]]>Hello! I really like the animation when the envelope is folded and flies away when I click on the “send” button, can I use it on other forms of my site?
]]>It would be nice if you add also possibility to click “link” in caption to open popup for selected fragment on mobile. There is no “ctrl + enter” on smartphones.
]]>Добрый день. Конфликт плагинов.
После обновления AMP и Mistape выявлена несоответствие вашего плагина ?Mistape? и плагина AMP картинка из вашего плагина вызвала проблемы с валидацией AMP страниц.
Тег “rect” может быть только потомком тега “svg”.
https://prntscr.com/qeyb65 https://prntscr.com/qeyb3iТег “path” может быть только потомком тега “svg”.
https://prntscr.com/qey954 https://prntscr.com/qey8io
При использовании встроенного функционала в плагине AMP для отключения сторонних плагинов никак не отключить ваш плагин .
Прошу помочь с решением проблемы конфликта плагинов или дать решение как временно отключить плагин Mistape для AMP страниц.
]]>Всем привет.
Можно ли доработать выбор в настройке получателя сообщений, так, чтобы выбирать из других ролей, которые я создал сам?
У меня есть роли с большими привилегиями чем editor.
Сейчас в class-deco-mistape-admin.php
$this->email_recipient_types = array(
'admin' => __( 'Administrator', 'mistape' ),
'editor' => __( 'Editor', 'mistape' ),
'other' => __( 'Specify other', 'mistape' )
Руками этот кусок кода править не вариант, сами понимаете.
Надеюсь функционал будет доработан.
The plug-in ignores the configured Email recipient and always sends notifications to the site’s central email address. I tried both, the Editor and Specify other option, but the editor never received any notification, neither did the email address that I entered manually. Instead, with every setting, the email always turned up in the admin’s inbox (i.e. the site’s email address).
Did anybody else experience this problem? I’m using the latest WordPress version with very little plug-ins and modifications. As posted in additional questions some days ago, I’m also experiencing problems with a couple of other settings that are either ignored or respected only partially. In general, the plug-in seems rather unreliable. ??
Kind regards,
No emails are sent from subdomains created by the plugin “Multiple Domain Mapping on Single Site”. Tried the plugin “Contact Form 7” to send from subdomains, everything works.Please fix it.
The option “Powered by” has no effect in the settings. I installed the plug-in on two web sites and the link to Mistape.com is always present, no matter what I set the option to. Only disabling the icon will remove the link.
Kind regards,
The main color of my theme is green, so I set the same color in the Mistape plug-in. The dialog to submit typos looks good with this color. However, the text of the submit button becomes invisible, once the user hovers over the button.
The problem is that my theme defines a:hover { color: green; }
and the Mistape plug-in uses the same green color for the button. Maybe the plug-in should set a proper font color for the button based on the selected color or make the color default to i.e. plain white.
Kind regards,
The plug-in’s default message in German is:
Wenn Sie einen Rechtschreibfehler gefunden haben, benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte, indem Sie den Text ausw?hlen und drücken Sie dann<em>Strg + Eingabetaste</em>.
At the very end, where the em-tag is used, a space is missing. The translation should be:
Wenn Sie einen Rechtschreibfehler gefunden haben, benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte, indem Sie den Text ausw?hlen und drücken Sie dann <em>Strg + Eingabetaste</em>.
Kind regards,
Why messages do not come in the mail? We constantly observe unstable notification.
]]>Mistape outputs some additional unstyled HTML code (the report form) at the end of the document. Probably because css/js is not fully loaded.
The plugin or any output should be probably disabled at amp pages.
Currently, we use the following code to fix this issue:
* Disables Mistape plugin on amp pages
function ap_deco_mistape_amp_disable()
if (!function_exists('ap_is_amp') || !ap_is_amp() || !class_exists('Deco_Mistape')) {
$mistape = Deco_Mistape::get_instance();
remove_filter('the_content', array($mistape, 'append_caption_to_content'), 1);
remove_action('wp_footer', array($mistape, 'insert_dialog'), 1000);
remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($mistape, 'front_load_scripts_styles'));
remove_action('wp_print_styles', array($mistape, 'custom_styles'), 10);
add_action('wp', 'ap_deco_mistape_amp_disable', 11);
but it will be nice to have this fixed in the core.
]]>Please add a ajax nonce for the sake of security.