thank you so much for the implementation of such a great plugin.
Would you kindly advise how I can connect the plugin on ghostnet or rebuild the code to be able to use NFTs minted on ghostnet?
Kind regards,
]]>After I minted the first NFT I got these error messages in sequence:
Pinata error: “{\”reason\”:\”INVALID_API_KEYS\”,\”details\”:\”Invalid API key provided\”}”
Something went wrong minting your NFT. Please check the logs or try again later.
Then I check the API key and it has changed from the correct API key that I entered to this:
and the secret to something else that I couldn’t see because of the dots.
I updated both the API key and secret again and goto the draft and the minting worked after that.
Success! Your NFT has been minted. Click to refresh on your My NFT tab to see your new NFT.
What theam works best with Minterpress plugin
The NFT was created:
But it doesn’t show up even after clicking Refresh NFT collection button.
NFTs owned on contract
NFTs with displayed status
NFTs created in MP
This seems odd as well, it appears to have created the NFT and not recognised it as a MP NFT. (I have no other NFTs in this address).
Also, I clicked create new gallery after minting the NFT but it doesn’t get created.
]]>Error getting wallet balance: HttpResponse: Http error response: (410) ATTENTION: Tezos Giga Node has been discontinued. See:https://midl-dev.medium.com/alternatives-to-tezos-giganode-bb67b43945ba
]]>Can members of my WordPress site mint their own NFTs or is it just for the site owner?