I like this plugin and use it a lot. Has it been abandoned? It has been flagged by Wordfence Security as abandoned.
If so, are there comparable alternatives out there?
Hi folks,
I like Your plugin. Thank You.
My problem: Is it possible to show not only Date and title of the posts but also an excerpt (if exists)?
Thank You
after updating to WP5, i just realized I was not able to change start or end date while editing a post. “Event dates” drop down exist in right column, but when clicking “Edit” make no sense and I am not able to edit the dates.
Maybe I make something wrong, but still, I am not able to change these two fields…
br, H?kan
I found your empty Wikiarticle and guess it is connected to cave12-wp
I tried to implement it by adding function c12_concerts() to functions.php + functions/ical.php + page-templates/ical.php.
I wasn’t able to load the desired ical-page usinge the Template “iCal” or adding `Options +FollowSymlinks
(..)RewriteRule calendar.ics /?p=$ID [L] (..)`
to the .htaccess in the root folder without breaking my site.
Have I missed a function or overseen anything else?
thanks for your help!
With Greetings from Austria
– n2o
Hi i woild like to use your plugin but is there a way to order all the post of a specific category by the event start date?
Than you very much
How can I change the Blog Post Meta Data with the Event Dates (Start date – End date) add with Minimalistic Event Manager?
Thank You.
]]>Request received via email:
]]>I am using your Minimalistic Event Manager plugin. I am do not know
either php or other programming languages but would like to be able to
make one minor adjustment in displaying date format in the widget.
Instead of day-month-year display month-day-year. Could you please email
me a simple instructions what and where should I change. If it is
possible at all.
first, I really like your Plugin. It′s lightweight ans easy to use. So thank you for making.
I′m currently using it for a website, but I have a problem with the correct spelling of the start or end-date. It’s a german website and I need all dates with correct spelling.
Right now it looks like this:
Montag 17. Juli 2017, 15:00–4:00 pm
Juni 26th – 14. Juli 2017
I don’t know why it echos 4:00 pm and not 16:00 or 26. Juni as it does with the rest of the date.
I implemented the plugin into the posts with following code from github:
// Add Minimalistic Event Manager Plugin into Posts Content
$mem_date = mem_date_processing(
get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mem_start_date', true) ,
get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mem_end_date', true)
// Second step: display the date
if ($mem_date["start-iso"] !=="") { // show the event date
echo '<div class="event-date"><strong>Veranstaltungstermin: ';
echo $mem_date["date"];
echo '</strong></div>';
I also tried changing the $mem_date variables and the best option is the date-num, but I wanted to ask, if someone could help me with this, as I would like to have the full date with day and time in one language.
Thank you so much!
Regards, Adrian
Last time MEM widget dosn’t remove an expired event. It was a multiday-event and changing start and end date didn’t help. There was only one way to remove the event from widget: t remove from the category which is filtered for displaying.
Have You any suggestions?
]]>Hi Manuel Schmalstieg @targz-1,
I use your plugin in my news site – https://noticiasdozezere.pt – and have multiday events, but this events disappear in first day and I need who disappear only in last day.
]]>Hi and thanks for the plugin!
My problem: date format.
How to modify the widget, the date format: Day, Month and Year instead Year, Month, Day. In this format they want, for example: 2016-11-01.
Please help me!
]]>Hi and thanks for the plugin! Nice and easy in backend.
Now with my poor PHP knowledge I’m trying to show a post list where there are normal posts and event posts. I want to show the event date in its own box, and not show the box at all when there is no event date. Check https://tinyurl.com/jmpjcoz
I tried this IF sentence, but the box is there even though it has no value. I also tried it with isset: if (isset($mem_date)), but the result was the same, empty box was there when no event date.
$mem_date = mem_date_processing(get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_mem_start_date’, true));
if (!empty($mem_date)){
echo ‘<div class=”meta-info”><div class=”meta-date”><span class=”month”>’;
echo date_i18n( ‘M’, $mem_date[“start-unix”] );
echo ‘</span><span>’;
echo date_i18n( ‘d’, $mem_date[“start-unix”] );
echo ‘</span></div></div>’;
Thanks for you plugin
I have used “rs multiday”, but have problems and I need a new solution and find your plugin.
Now I need the date in bold on widget. See example:
16–17.4.2016 – Baile e Passeio de Motorizadas para Angaria??o de Fundos
22.4.2016 – Festival de Teatro Ivone Silva
]]>Hi, Please help I’m talking about adding a widget next to the date of the start time in 24h format very please with specific instructions on how to change and what place in the editor plug-and that can change the font size on pogróbion? entry name in the widget. Thank you for your help
]]>Hey, first of all, nice and simple plugin.
I am wondering how to show the time of the event and how to show only curent and future events…
Thank You.
]]>From time to time I suffer the following problem when saving a post (CPT) with both dates set (dates selected by dropdown):
Notice: Undefined index: mem_total_repeats in /(…)/wp-content/plugins/minimalistic-event-manager/mem.php on line 283
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /(…)/wp-content/plugins/minimalistic-event-manager/mem.php:283) in /(…)/wp-admin/post.php on line 235
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /(…)/wp-content/plugins/minimalistic-event-manager/mem.php:283) in /(…)/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1196
The post seems to be saved but I finish with a blank screen and these notices.
]]>I just want to loop the next 5 events in my homepage, the title or thumbnail. There’s a simple way to do this with this plugin? I couldn’t find any example in the wiki and my knowledge of PHP is kinda poor.
]]>Hi –
Is there anyway I can have the date picker inside a post’s front-end so that the reader can schedule the date if he wishes?
– K
]]>This plugin would be perfect if there was a mini calendar widget where you would click on a date and all the posts related to that day would appear
finally found what i was looking for, your plugin is so simple, yet so effective.
But, i can’t find a way to call it inside the blog list, while it works perfectly on single post view.
Is there some trick, or just not meant for that? I am using WP ver 3.3.2, maybe that could be the problem?