Can we use via Classic editor ?
Also how can we make relations between custom links/terms/images like usual mindmap ?
I’m using this plugin in a multisite environment and only superadmins can create and edit easily the maps. Normal administrators can do the map but after saving I get a broken image in the post.
Where can I see screenshots or examples of websites running MindCat?
]]>Hi – is the plugin still supported?
When testing
Getting illegal string code displayed front end
Dear Author;
Can you please tell me why Categories in map are not showing separately? I tested other sizes but it is not work for my site with 217 categories. i send you an image of the issue.
Hello Is it possible to see a page that uses it ?
A demo page ?
It appears that the text written in the installation text is the text of another plugin…
]]>Hello Bastien Ho,
fist of all thanks for this nice Plugin.
I have an issue with my Mindmap after updating on my Browser (Pc or Smartpohne). Everytime I update my side, it changes order and sometimes two Icons are one above the other, thus its hard to read.
Is it possible that it stays in one position without rearranging?
Thanks ahead
]]>It would be great if this plugin could make/display a connection between subcategories in different main categories.