I feel stupid even asking this question but how do I use this plugin??
I installed, activated, and changed some settings. But once Im in my blog post and clicked on the box where I want the ‘Pros & Cons’ table, I cant see any option to actually use this plugin.
Am I totally missing something?
Im using WordPress Rosemary Theme V1.6.3
Thank you!
]]>How do you change the colors of the pros & cons instead of green and red? For both the symbol and the list icons.
]]>I seriously need some help. At first, the plugin was working fine and showing in preview & live modes. After a few weeks when I went to revisit the page, I find it not working, there’s no green and red colors, and the icons became transparent.
Thanks for the lovely plugin, but your CSS references the wrong (relative) path to the check and times icons:
Lines 84-87
.wp-pros-cons .pros-content ul.wp-pros-cons-list li:before {
background-image: url(“../assets/icons/check-solid.svg”); }
.wp-pros-cons .cons-content ul.wp-pros-cons-list li:before {
background-image: url(“../assets/icons/times-solid.svg”); }
Therefore, the icons don’t show up on the page.
It would be great if you could solve this soon.
Kind regards
I’ve stopped using the classic editor and moved onto Gutenberg.
Is there any way to migrate the classic pro/con plugin data into the new-Gutenberg enabled?
If I have both of them activated at once, the CSS style is broken on both. I’m guessing they are using the same style classes.
I really don’t want to do this manually as it is very time-intensive.
Many thanks
Thanks to mighty team for releasing the gutenberg version for the plugin. I really like it and love it.
I want to do a feature request, Can you please Add a hover effect to the button?
Hover effect will be more fun to add.
Also if you can implement it, please allow the users to choose their favorite hover color for the button.
Another request I want to do is,
Can you please implement another thing in the button, like icon?
You might notice that Pros and Cons are must have for reviews article. At the end of the post, we Add “Buy Now button”, now your plugin already has the button but it’s only basic.
If you can add some extra features like hover, adding favorite font-awesome icon. It will be a big change to this plugin.
I hope to get postive response from your team and see the implementations in upcoming version.
Thank you
Kind Regards,
Jabran Ali
Hey! It would be good if in other updates to change the Pros Cons to paragraph, not heading