Halo saya menggunakan WooCommerce Checkout Blocks untuk Pembayaran, tapi dari midtrans belum ada support untuk tipe checkout ini, apakah akan segera di update ?
]]>Bagaimana cara membebankan biaya layanan midtrans ke konsumen pada WooCommerce untuk LearnPress
]]>On activating the plugin, we get the following notification:
This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)’, it shouldn’t be activated.
When paypal for woocommerce is also enabled, payment via midtrans returns a 502 error.
]]>Hi, please confirm if your plugin is compatible with WordPress 5.6.2 Maintenance Release. Thank you!
]]>As sometime this plugin may be temporary unavailable to be downloaded from WordPress Plugin Store (due to technical reason), please download and follow usage instruction on Midtrans Official website:
The plugin will always be available for download and use on the link above.
– If you encounter any issue let us know via email to support[at]midtrans.com
Ketika user order dan transaksi berhasil status berubah menjadi processing di admin woocommerce.. apakah bisa jika status berubah menjadi “confirmed” atau apapun sesuai kebutuhan kita ?
Mohon bantuannya
]]>Hi, i would like to show the gopay logo at the checkout page.
I also use the xendit pludin for payment gateway all there payment options have the logo, this way can recongize better.
]]>Halo, mohon bantuannya, saya ingin pada setiap transaksi di situs toko online saya yang menggunakan Midtrans, biayanya dibebankan langsung ke customer pada saat check out.
Terima kasih.
]]>For quick response regarding to any Midtrans and Midtrans Woocommerce Payment Plugin related issue, please contact us via Email: support[at]midtrans.com
Midtrans Support Team are committed to reply your message via our ticketing system over the email, for better issue resolving time.
Wordpress plugin forum is not best place to troubleshoot issue, and unfortunately we do not always monitor this forum.
Thank you.
– Midtrans Support Team –
I have tried to redirect url when place order via midtrans account configuration but it goes https://mysite.com/checkout/order-received/2367/?key=wc_order_5b1e593de4730
I need to redirect it in my custom url so i don’t know how to do that… Please help me.
Thank you
]]>Setelah update ke versi terbaru (2.6.1), kok muncul teks <dng tag h2> CUSTOM BUTTON di atas dan bawah Add to Cart?
.. Div Wrapper – wc-midtrans-payment-request-wrapper
.. Div Teks/h2 – wc-midtrns-payment-request-button
Kenapa ada div itu? Untuk apa? Dan bagaimana cara non-aktif/remove nya? Sementara ini menggunakan css (display:none;). Thanks sebelumnya.