Hi, how do I change the default schema in Genesis from https://schema.org/WebPage
]]>Trying to change/remove the ‘schema.org/Blog’ from a custom post type archive, any chance there is some support for this?
I have been waiting a long time for an easy way to add schema markup for hundreds and eventually thousands videos that will be embedded on both pages and posts.
Since upgrading to Genesis 2.0, I haven’t been able to get good information about how Genesis deals with schema for videos. Does it recognize their urls automatically, or does Genesis basically ignore video embeds? I think the latter.
If Genesis does’t handle things automatically, then your plugin will be a must. It will allow me to add the video’s url (from YouTube or Vimeo) right there on a page or post, and I presume Google will then return a video thumbnail in search engine results. Right? If so, then this is just what the doctor ordered!
p.s. i would love to have you look at how I’m embedding videos and make sure I’m adding the schema correctly. Are you available for quick consultation?
]]>The meta boxes don’t show as being available on my custom post types. Is there a workaround or a setting that I’m missing?
]]>Does this require use of a Genesis child theme that is “updated” to be html5-ready, such as the Minimum PRO version? I ask because I just tried this out on a blog with Genesis 2.0.1 and the Outreach 2.0 child theme, and it had no apparent effect upon the source that was generated for blog posts or any other pages.
]]>Hi, I understand there are fields in every page/post for adding the md, but what about on the default homepage… where are the fields that I can use for that?
Thank you!