Do you still maintain your plugin ‘Add menu separators to navigation’?
If yes, when will you release a version which is tested with the current WP 6.0.2?
If no, please give advice which other plugin should be used instead of yours – thanks!
Kind regards,
Do you still maintain your plugin?
If yes, when will you release a version which is tested with the current WP 5.8.1?
If no, please give advice which other plugin should be used instead of yours – thanks!
Kind regards,
Please add also a shortcode to add titles to the menu so it is possible to have just 1 menu but with more structure:
public function nav_menu_start_el($item_output, $item)
if (‘—‘ === $item->post_title) {
// Horizontal line
return apply_filters(‘mhm-menu-separator/separator’, ‘<hr class=”mhm-menu-separator”>’, $item);
} else if (substr($item->post_title,0,1)==”#”) {
// Horizontal line
return apply_filters(‘mhm-menu-separator/separator’, ‘<h2 class=”widget-title”>’.substr($item->post_title,1).”</h2>”, $item);
} elseif (‘#’ === $item->url) {
// Text without link
return apply_filters(‘mhm-menu-separator/title’, $item->post_title, $item);
} else {
// Unmodified output for this link
return $item_output;
Do you still maintain your plugin?
If yes, when will you release a version which is tested with WP 5.6?
If no, please give advice which other plugin should be used instead of yours – thanks!
Kind regards,
I’m using theme twenty fourteen.
On a desktop the menu layout is changed (colour, and right aligned with no separators)
The “—” in the link text gives something crazy (see leftmost entry, above the lowest entry).
WP is 5.3.2 tested with Windows 10 Firefox and iPhone IOS 13.3.1 and Safari.
]]>it’s be *really* handy to have a class="menu-separator"
included, so we can *easily* target the correct item.
Otherwise, looks like a handy plugin!
]]>I am convinced the plugin is working because when viewing the generated source, I can see the added
1. Even empty, the sub-menu entry for the separator is always 81px high. Seems odd.
2. I have tried a number of stylings including this last one:
.menu-item-object-custom HR {color: #ffffff;}
I am certain it’s me, but if you could point me in the right direction, I would be most appreciative.
This plugin works GREAT on non Beaver Builder websites, but it breaks the menu on the Beaver Theme.