I’ve noticed that the Lost Password link on my Front Page appends a redirect to my Latest Post instead of the root URL. I contacted my theme author who was able to pinpoint the issue and provide a fix that can be applied to meta-widget-customizer.php. He suggested I contact you to possibly get this bug fixed.
Here’s a link to the thread.
]]>Since 4.4, the plug-in behave strangely…
For example, link to subscribe page option is untucked but appears in my tabs widget.
Any planned update?
I can test for you if you need to.
]]>I have another plugin that allows login/registration using LinkedIn credentials. Is there a way to include a shortcode within the meta widget customizer (or a code change) to be able to use a short code within the customizer login widget ?
]]>When attaching the meta widget customizer to the sidebar of one type of page e.g. posts, it dissappears from the list on the right so cannot be added again to another page.
Is there a simple way to permit the plugin to be used on more than one page type (including custom post types) ?
]]>I have the normal register form in the wp-login page in which I could add the captcha mode.
I’ve just activated your very nice plugin and added in the footer sidebar but. It’s ok.
How can I insert the captcha code?
Hi. So sorry to bother you. I have the Register box checked and it is not showing and I have the Admin Link unchecked and it is showing.
How do I fix these issues? I am going back and forth between two different browsers to check these things and am making sure to clear my cache in my testing browser.
Thanks so much for your time. ??
]]>After the update. When I use the settings of the plug-in setting, they will not appear in the widget. When I use the widget Meta Widget Customizer create and save settings, these settings are not saved. Everything is blank. A re-installation of the plug-in help either. Translated by google.
]]>Using 4.1, it don’t work for me…
1. Installed plugin.
2. Cleared buffers.
3. Updated the settings from the plug in menu:
a. Unclicked: www.remarpro.com
b. Clicked: Lost password
4. Added the Meta widget to the sidebar.
Result: Default options appear.
]]>When log out don′t hide www.remarpro.com
]]>Could you please add multi-Languages support for this Plugin so I can translate it into my native language
The Forgot Passwords link work fine, after click the link I receive emain reset passwords but when click on Forgot Passwords link the site does not have any message inform user.
It’s could be nicer if there is a redirection and have a message for user that a reset passwords email has been sent.
]]>Just installed this plugin but when in first step of login it says that
ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.
If I continue to click login it there is no error notice
]]>There is a problem with the link to the user profile for websites that are not hosted on the root directory.
To solve it you should replace the line where says:
?><li><a href="/wp-admin/profile.php"><?php echo "$current_user->display_name"; ?></a></li><?php
With the following:
?><li><a href="<?php echo site_url("/wp-admin/profile.php"); ?>"><?php echo "$current_user->display_name"; ?></a></li><?php