Could someone please assist me in resolving an issue I am experiencing on my website? As shown in the attached image, when accessing the website using the HTTPS protocol (, the menu appears as an icon list rather than in its proper format. However, when using HTTP protocol (, the menu displays correctly.
If anyone has any suggestions or solutions to fix this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
]]>All messages are going to site admin, not the post author. What an I missing? Thanks
]]>I would like to create a front end form so that somebody could come to the site and send a message to a user by their user ID or a sequential number that I would have assigned to that user. The visitor to the site that will leave the message is not all logged in user. I want the message to go to the member and a copy to admin. For example the person that visits the site would put in number 86253 as the member number that is to receive the message. The visitor will not necessarily know the member personally. This is for a lost and found type of site where the contact information includes a tag ID of an item that might be found and that tag ID is our member user’s specific number. Is it possible using your solution and if so how do I implement it?
I use Jet Engine to create CPT and I try to display Message 2 Author in sidebar. The box is only visible when user is logged, but I define : Visitor & User (Anyone). And when I try to send a message to author, the mail is send to my account and not to the author of page.
Can you help me ?
Best regards.
I have added the shortcode to a post and once the submitted button is pressed the page goes blank.
Can any one help?
Hi there and thanks for good work. it works for me on all pages, less the most important, directly on the single post page, where to put shortcode on post (blog) page as it says: you editing the post page …… and nothing to change there? Any help possible? thank you
]]>Hello pathusutariya, I would very much like to use your plugin, as it is a super idea and could be really helpfull to my site, problem is that nothing happens when clicking the “send message” button. The message does′nt get send, and the window is not closing (if it should?)
Can you help me please?
Also I would like to know if I can see the php code somewhere, as I would like to implement in my template, as front end users are submitting the posts?
Thanks in advance, and best regards. Helle, Denmark