hi, i am trying to use this plugin but i am getting some issue while using this, actually my primary css in working but the default css of this plugin is not working , i am trying to devide menus into three parts but i am not able to use this.
Please help me.
I’m having an issue with the sticky menu showing a box around the links of the menu. Please see screenshot below. I’ve tried changing the background to transparent, and including color:none; in the custom styling. Still, no luck.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hi there, I have just changed my theme to storefront. I have been using megamenu for a while because it rocks. However would it be better if I change the plugin to megamenu storefront?
Hi there, I have just changed my theme to storefront. I have been using megamenu for a while because it rocks. However would it be better if I change the plugin megamenu storefront?
I install this plugin to my site
With max mega plugin
I’m using storefront
But unfortunately if I choose menu for primary
The mobile bottom search icon not function well
If I choose handheld only mobile bottom search bar function correctly
So I deleted saved theme reset the plugin
Now site is runnning successfuly
Now I need if I install the theme to primary & handheld
The mobile bottom search should function well
Not showing search box for mobile
If I click search bottom icon
It’s restarting the page
Please help me with that
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Please post support topics here:
If you need to roll back to an older version of this plugin:
1. Install the WP Rollback plugin
2. Go to your Plugins page in WordPress and click the “Rollback” link underneath “Mex Mega Menu – StoreFront Integration”
3. Select an older version to install.
I have the Storefront Max Mega Menu plugin integrated into my website since I am using Storefront Pro. I am wondering why my mobile menu does not show as a mobile menu. I have reconfigured all of my settings to ensure that my menu looks correct when viewing the desktop site, but the mobile site is where I am having a problem. I am sure I have integrated everything accordingly but I still need help.
I have a generic username and password available for you to review if needed because I must be doing something wrong for the menu to not look the way it needs to.
my website is: