could you please let us know whether your plugin support multisite?
]]>I bought this plugin a year ago and got a refund as it didn’t work for me. I’ve had an email saying you’re going to charge me when I’m not even using the plugin. I’ve emailed twice no response, and sent a message via the website and nothing.
]]>As soon as I installed this plugin, all other plugins automatically deactivated, It only detected 10 images in use (from 1800 which are mostly used). After uninstaling I still have the same problem, I can’t activate plugins anymore, specially Cloudflare.
]]>When I upload file ‘MyImage.jpg’, WordPress creates sometimes 6 or more ‘variants’ –
If NONE of these images are used anywhere, Media Hygiene will report the image as 1 orphan, but make mention of (eg) ‘thumbnails’. BUT – as soon as I use one ‘instance’ of this image, it is no longer reported at all. I was hoping your plugin would identify the fact that 4 out of 5 variants of the ‘base image’ are still orphans. This is especially useful when I upload larger images – eg, a 3000x image. This will generate 8 variants, and the one used by WP is never the largest – so the 3000x ‘original’ is really just a waste of space on the server. I want to identify these unused variants and get rid of them.
]]>Just a little bug on the media hygiene plugin scan page: Retriving is misspelled under the scan status bar
]]>I have a site on pantheon that I installed the pro version on. Ironically the free version we tested before completed the scan after awhile but when i installed the pro version and keep it running over night it gets stuck. On the console I see this error
504 gateway timeout not sure if that helps but I am struggling cause the site is definitely big and there are no cron jobs running and it is already at the latest php. Please advise for help.
In trying out the Media Hygiene plugin, it seems to check posts and pages for images but not (for example) sidebar widgets. Am I right?
This is for both the FREE and PRO versions.
If you are running into an issue with Media Hygiene not doing anything there are a number of possible ways to resolve this. I cannot stress enough that you should run this process on a staging or backup site. To try to resolve the “stuck” issue try the following:
One common theme is that site owners don’t know how many unused files they have sitting in their WordPress media library and it sometimes looks like the process is stuck but it is actually scanning the media library.
If you have lots of files in your WordPress media library, it will take longer to see the scan results. If you have a shared hosting environment, it will probably even take longer. If you have a poorly coded theme or plugin in use, it will also impact the scanning time. We are also constrained by the resources we are allowed to use because we don’t want to crash your site nor do we want your site to be flagged by your hosting company for excessive resource use. It is a delicate balance.
Secondly, we are always encountering new combinations of plugins/themes/hosting environments. It is nearly impossible to account for everything that is out there as it is dynamic and ever changing, especially with such a small team. We are doing our best to provide the best possible solution with the resources we have.
Thirdly, we know our solution works because we were able to help a website owner remove 2.5 million unused images from their WordPress library. This task can be done manually but our solution is faster and more cost effective.
Lastly, we want to acknowledge those who have been patient and understanding. For those who purchased the Pro version, we are thankful that you chose us and that we will continue to build out and support you on your online journey.
Hi we recently purchased the pro version of Media Hygiene and on testing it, we found out that Media hygiene recommends deleting the thumbnail images of files that are in use, which means all the images in the media library (list view) appear broken. Is there a way around this issue? Thanks!
]]>I use on my site a plugin: MP3-jPlayer
and I add html code like this:
[playlist ids="2179" imageSize="autoW" imgOverflow="visible"]
Can Media Hygiene be set to recognize this as usage of my media?
]]>I’ve never managed to get it to work once.
Ever since the last version, I’ve been getting SQL errors.
Secondly, the “Delete Data On Uninstall Plugin” option doesn’t work (I still have the table).
But above all, the plugin never got beyond phase 3/4. It always stays at 100%. It’s not a matter of disk, RAM or CPU: everything is at 0 usage on the server.
It was the same with the previous version. I don’t see what the move to 2.0 has changed.
I just bought media hygiene pro.
I had installed the regular (non-pro) version before where the scan worked.
Then I bought and installed media hygiene pro, but the scan doesn’t work.
It keeps being stuck on
Retriving the data … (1/4)
]]>Hi I just paid for Pro and it came out of my account but it didn’t give me access and I received no emails with instructions.
]]>We’re testing Media Hygiene on our staging site, which runs Elementor Pro and Imagify. The initial scan shows 4566 Total Media, with 0 In Use. This is clearly not correct, as most of the images are used by the website, either in the Gutenberg Editor as a Featured Image, or in Elementor/Elementor Pro.
In addition, while the Unused filter indicates 4125 items, none of them will display in the filterable list.
Will the Pro version address these issues, or is there another problem at hand here?