I see the pro version includes 3 licenses. Is that 3 at a time or three total? If I deactivate the plugin on one site will that free up a license so I can use it on another site?
]]>After installation on another website, I have this Notice in debug mod :
Notice: Array to string conversion in \wp-content\plugins\media-file-cleaner\wpmc_settings.php on line 57
We have a site in which WP Retina 2x is installed. The plugin bulk generated all retina images but I don’t see any images with @2x in the file name in the uploads folder, but the size of the site doubled. I tried to bulk delete all the retina images but as there are no images with @2x in the file name nothing was deleted. I now have a site that has doubled in size. Help…
]]>It looks like the following plugin puts some of its files in the upload folder under a folder called “bws_captcha_images”. e.g. wp-content/uploads/bws_captcha_images
Unless I am missing something, ran the scan with all the options checked then I got in the issues most of the pictures I have attached to the “Product Gallery”, meaning the pictures attached to the “Product image” did not get affected or labeled as “issues” but the pictures in all the products in the “product gallery” section got identified and ultimately deleted.
So either I am doing something wrong or this plugin does wrongly detect images in use and sees them as “issues”.
Please respond as I am looking to get rid of images I dont USE and not attached to any product, category or in use on my website like old deleted products that have images still stuck in my media library.
Here an error :
Notice: Array to string conversion in /srv/data/web/vhosts/mysiteg/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/media-file-cleaner/wpmc_settings.php on line 57
I’m looking for a nice way to do some house keeping tasks. I have an active set of woocommerce products that get stock photos, than we might take images ourselves. If there’s a failure or a need to do a full refresh I end up doing that from time-to-time. This leaves A LOT of unattached images in our media library.
Can this plugin be full autonomous? Seems to be solid nothing deleted that shouldn’t have. A risk I’d be willing to take to maintain a clean install.
Would be nice as others have mentioned to isolate to specific post types. Than I really wouldn’t care because the systems for my purpose self heal should an image go missing. But only for products.
]]>I’ve run two scans, and each one seems to stop at 97%. Is there a way for me to simply scan my photo uploads from a particular year?
Thank you! I’m eager to see if this plug-in works to reduce my bloated media. If so, I’ll gladly get the Pro version.
]]>This is a really great plugin! Though, is there any way I can scan the pages for referenced documents and not the posts? Thanks!
]]>Hi Jordy
Just upgraded to ‘pro’ to be able to batch clean all those legacy images in my WordPress installation. Browsing through the scan results, I encountered many images that are attached to pages and/or used in portfolios. I tried to delete one of the photos, just to be sure, and I had to re-upload it again. Seems that Media File Cleaner ignores custom post types maybe? Would you be interested in taking a look at why Media File Cleaner failes to detect that the media is actually in use? I can easily provide you with a “duplicator” site backup, or a login to our site to check.
Kind regards
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>Hi – I didn’t know where to write this idea, so here is it.
At the moment the plugin scans all the contents in wp-uploads…
Why don’t limit it to the folders with the ‘YYYY’ format? – My backupbuddy files are being scanned and filling the list with non-media files such as .html, .txt, .zip, etc.
Hello and thank you for your excellent work.
First of all let me tell you what other image related plugins we use on our site.
Media File Sizes
UploadPlus : File Name Cleaner
WP Smush (the pro version)
Upon testing your plugin (v3.0.0) we found the following 2 issues:
1. It does DO a better job than wordpress itself. As explained here and here though wordpress fails to recognize an un-attached image, your plugin does and shows them up sfter a scan. CUDOS !! You could probably help debugging the core.
2. Smushit Pro has the option to: “Backup Original Images (Will nearly double the size of your Uploads Directory)” resulting on extra files like
After deleting an image through “normal wordpress delete process” these files were there needing to manually -through ftp- be cleaned up. ??
We thought of using your plugin to scan, find and delete these image. No luck. These files are still there. They do NOT show up in the scan and do NOT get deleted. ??
Could you please look into that?
Thanks again
Le changement de nom n’y a rien fait, le plugin ne fonctionne plus correctement en localhost depuis quelques versions… il affiche ceci:
Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/wp431/wp-content/plugins/media-file-cleaner/wpmc_settings.php on line 57
Pour que la Notice disparaisse je doit désactiver tous les autres plugins.
Mais le résultat du scan est faux: il me dit que certains fichiers ne sont pas dans la bibliothèque et indique le chemin, alors qu’ils y sont lorsque je vais voir dans le dossier Upload…
Sorry, found solution. Was a silly question. Closed.
]]>This plug-in looks awesome, but not sure I’ve used it correctly. I realize I can only delete 1 file at a time and would need to do a refresh. I decided to try the free one before the premium. I’m hoping this scans for my custom post types too.
I saved my settings and hit the Scan (1) button. I checked in periodically and could see the % value increase as well as the file count. After the scan finished, I’m not sure what to do next.
I see 109 “issues” (2) but nothing shows under the Issues List. I thought I would see an item for each of the 109 images with a thumbnail. But the table is empty.
You can see a screen snap here https://i.imgur.com/TPk3Yru.png
I’m assuming the Pro version allows me to toggle which of the 109 items to delete.
Also, if I mark an item as “ignored” does it remember that setting the next time I do a scan with the Pro version?