How does one:
Change the upload date of files in the Media Category Library.
I have uploaded all my files on one date, and need to get them in order by date of the document.
I get a message:
wp-content/plugins/media-category-library/classes/media-category-library.php on line 57
Can you make it robust?
]]>I am having the same issue as below about files not showing up if I click the category name. At first I thought it was some of my settings, but as I was playing with it, I discovered that if I uploaded files through the back end (I also have a front end uploader), that the new documents were not seen in the media categories (ie. the count might say 0 files, but if I click on the 0 the correct files show up).
First, I just want to say that I think that this plugin is great. I think it will do exactly what I want.
What part of the code do I need to edit so that it does not show the type of file? As you can see, my columns are messed up because of the file type.
]]>Every time I try and search the media files it gives me this error:
Warning: include(): Filename cannot be empty in
Warning: include(): Failed opening ” for inclusion
When I select a category the correct media files filter, however, when I enter a keyword after the files have been filtered to a specific category the list that shows up shows everything for that keyword, not just the category specific ones.
In “Media Category Library” i can see a few files I have added but when i look at “Media Categories” they do not come up in the “count” column.
If i use the search ( [mediacatform] ) they show in the category. But i i use [mediacat cats=”my-category”] they do not…
]]>A “plus one” for sinrho’s comment at
When overriding the templates in themes, it doesn’t work if the theme is a child theme. get_template_directory() returns the parent theme directory. To ensure you get the right theme directory even with a child theme directory you need to use get_stylesheet_directory()
--- media-category-library.php.orig 2014-12-14 20:31:24.366038111 +0000
+++ media-category-library.php 2014-12-14 20:31:55.565816808 +0000
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
*@since 0.6
function get_template_file( $file ) {
- $template = get_template_directory() . '/' . $this->get_plugin_dir() . '/' . $file;
+ $template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $this->get_plugin_dir() . '/' . $file;
if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) $template = $this->get_plugin_path() . '/views/' . $file;
return $template;
Simply wanted to tell you that the plugin didn’t work for me. Broke with the following error in php 5.4:
Notice: Undefined index: posts_per_page in [my_path]\wp-content\plugins\media-category-library\classes\media-category-library.php
I know it’s just a notice, but why not fix it ??
I’m wondering if there would be some way of hiding categories from appearing on the mediacat-library page which do not have any media in them.
The idea behind this is to provide people a set of uniform categories to use and they populate them as they wish. However there is a likelihood that some of the categories we provide will not have any media in them at all, so on the frontend search, I don’t want these categories to appear as filter options.
I assume this will require some playing around with the php of the output, but I’m unsure where to start.
Many thanks,
Great plugin.
Is there an easy way to have access a pre-filtered Media Category Library Search Page ?
For example, instead of just where all categorized files appear, could we have a query in the url string that would pre-populate the results and default sort?
Ideally would use the same parameters as the shortcodes?
Also, I can’t find where the page title on the search form can easily be changed. I have the 3 files in my theme, other changes work. Just don’t know where to change the page title for the /mediacat_library page
Thanks so much!!
How I can edit multiple images to edit category?
]]>Version 2.4 of Media Category Library, which is a important plugin for me. causes Add Media & Set featured image to fail in WordPress 4.0. I do hope this gets resolved soon, as I depend on it a lot.
With the latest update to WP 4.0 the search results stop after the end head tag.
Any ideas where to start debugging?
]]>We have multiple short codes on 1 page and the sorting no longer works – with 1 short code on a page the sorting works fine – any help will be much appreciated
i need to have all media from two slug like this.
echo do_shortcode(‘[mediacat cats=”veloce,brochure” orderby=”date” order=”DESC”]’);
the sortcode juste give me all the medias from veloce and i want all media who have veloce and brochure in common.
]]>I do not see any way to delete a category. Like other posters, my MEdia Edit screen does not show the drop-down visible in the help files, which has the only delete button I can see. Is there a way?
]]>I cannot display the media files by category. If I go to the Media/Media Categories and click View next to the category, it shows nothing even though there are 2 files associated with the category. I can see them if I go to but I don’t want to display a search, just a list.
]]>Hi all,
This plugin is really grates and helped me a lot!
I’ve done a custom function to list the medias category depending of the current logged user:
<?php function comm_list_usr(){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
echo '[mediacat cats='.$current_user->user_login.' orderby="date" order="DESC"]';
} ?>
This function is executed in a single specific page.
Now i’ve to do that when one new user is registered it creates the category with same name of the user…
The question is:
Is there a function to create a new media category via PHP?
]]>Hello! Is there a way to apply a category to batches of photos instead of doing it one by one?
Is it possible to get the filter/categories when adding media to a post/page? When i click on “add media” and choose library i don’t get to filter my images like i do on the “media library” page?
Thanks ??
]]>I’m looking for a way to assign categories that can be filtered using the popular AJAX filtered gallery that so many new themes have. If I use this plugin, will the categories I create be recognized by the filters in AJAX galleries that sort by category? Thanks.
]]>On a particular piece of media when I am on the edit media view:
The Media Category Library meta box on the page has two tabs “All Media Categories” and “Most Used.”
What hook is Media Category Library using to add that meta box? Where is that code in the source? In the end I want to create my own little tab in that box with some favorite categories.
]]>Hi All,
Using this plugin to catalogue media images.
E.G. I have Shoes, and Coats etc, as categories, If I upload some shoe/coat images and I save as red-shoes.jpg, green-coat.jpg, check the category checkbox of Shoes, similarly for Coats. If I go to Media > Media Categories then I see a list of Categories,
Name Description Slug Media
Coats Shoe image Shoe-images 4
Shoes Coat image coat-images 0
The heading Media (I assume) lists the numeric value of images that are checked to that category (Strangely – above the Title – Media, it says 20 ietms, yet as described below, the numbers in the columns do NOT add up to 20). This is NOT CORRECT. In my project there are 4 listed as being in the Shoes category, If I click the number 4, then I am shown 5 images, All of which appear to be set as Shoes in the category value. Worse, If I click the Zero in the Media columnb for Coats, then ther are 10) images listed which is correct. Is this a bug, have I missed something in the settings.
It’s not a major issue, it IS a pain, anyone have any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks in adv.
This plugin is perfect for my needs, but unfortunately breaks when using it with the ‘Restricted Site Access’ plugin, which I use because I only need to restrict access to registered members (don’t need complex membership control).
I just see my front page when I go to the Media Library page. Not sure if this is a problem common with other membership plugins, or is there’s another simple one that this works well with..?
]]>When you click Next on the list of documents the screen does not display the files and returns to the home screen. How do I fix this?
]]>The plugin is only checking the parent theme directory for the templates, could you check if it exists in the child theme dir first?
Something like this:
function get_template_file( $file ) {
$template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $this->get_plugin_dir() . '/' . $file;
if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) $template = get_template_directory() . '/' . $this->get_plugin_dir() . '/' . $file;
if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) $template = $this->get_plugin_path() . '/views/' . $file;
return $template;
]]>I am having a problem with the frontend search form. It is missing all of its formatting, the table is not showing and all the info just appears as a list.
I would like to style your plug-in so that it fits on my side.
I’ve tried to create a folder in my thems folder on the FTP and here put the 3 php files – but nothing happens.
And what is it that I should look for?
Is this the right way to do it and / or how can I style the plug-in?
Regards Julie
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_current_screen() in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/media-category-library/classes/media-category-library.php on line 161