Rating: 5 stars
Thanks christopherdubeau! you ‘re awesome!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Nice plugin
]]>Rating: 1 star
If you want to jeopardize all the hard work you have put into your SEO efforts, by all means install this plugin. markahiggins and lsilver are 100% correct in their assessment of this plugin and it’s “features”.
I read the responses to the bad reviews and thought maybe the issues had been cleared up. Yes, there are no more spammy links being injected (maybe because the plug-in home page is 403), but this should be the least of your worries.
lsilver is spot on (and much more diplomatic than I would have been) with his review. Funny how his review hasn’t been followed up by the developer…
This plugin says “The information is packed into the html code of the site and invisible to any visitor.” It’s also invisible to the search engines, besides the errors! After crawling my Structured Data in Google webmaster tools, every single markup entry is now showing errors. It has placed the same microdata (verbatim) into the footer, yes, I said footer of every page. As most of us know the footer for a wordpress theme is regularly the constant and not easy to find when having to edit or delete in this case. So, racing against the clock to try and resolve the issue before google (and every other search engine) tries to crawl again is a whole bucket of fun!
The developer never mentions that this will create bogus reviews, of which will most certainly get you nailed by google (if they don’t sandbox your site). You think that it will populate your metadata with reviews it finds from FB business pages and other LEGITIMATE sources you tell it to recognize…until you hit the magic button that populates every page with keyword filled, almost unreadable sentences from made up names.
The developer also does not provide easy to find information on where it’s “amazing SEO” metadata lives. You have to dig into your plugins/editor and at the very bottom you will see a “readme.txt”. Buried within all the promotional dialogue, you will find “The plugin uses the https://schema.org/LocalBusiness information schema and incorporates the meta data into your websites footer using the wp_footer() hook form WordPress.”
This plug-in has all the symptoms and characteristics of black-hat tactics and will most certainly get you in serious trouble with search engines, not to mention nowhere near any kind of SEO techniques.
WordPress needs to ban this plug-in for misrepresentation. If I wanted to threaten the good standing of my site, I would be using different websites and programs to do so.
I would not expect to find it here!
p.s. I had to give this one star because you can’t review with zero!
]]>Rating: 1 star
I have a fair amount of experience with Schema, and manually mark up every site I work on since I’ve yet to find a plugin that does a good job.
Unfortunately, I do not recommend using this plugin either.
In short:
The markup for your business appears on every website in full. That is not necessary and could be considered as spammy use of schema, something Google started to address several months ago. You should absolutely markup every page if appropriate, but including the same markup on every single page – and items like hours and payment options – is not recommended.
Furthermore, if you read the guidelines at https://schema.org/docs/gs.html#schemaorg_expected it’s clear that marking up hidden text should be avoided if possible. Some hidden text that is marked up would be acceptable depending upon what it was. But the plugin is hiding all of the text that is marked up. That is not good.
Lastly, the reviews functionality generates fake reviews and injects them into the markup (again, hidden) on every page/post (one review each). Not only would that be in violation of Google guidelines, but at least in the US it would be illegal. So even offering this functionality is just mind boggling to me.
I don’t think I’ve ever taken the time to write a review for a plugin. But this was so egregious I felt I had an obligation to do so.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Spammy links injected into my homepage. I’ve taken screen shots and submitting it to wordpress. Here is what his plug-in put on my homepage.
]]>Rating: 1 star
INFO BY: spiralcities
This site adds the hidden links to your code. See for yourself in the file named: mdp-local-business-seo/mdp_info.php
fitnessbrokersusa.com safe? – displaying 4 of 4
fitness equipment – https://fitnessbrokersusa.com
elliptical – https://fitnessbrokersusa.com/fitness-equipment/elliptical-training.html
treadmills – https://fitnessbrokersusa.com/fitness-equipment/treadmills.html
exercise bikes – https://fitnessbrokersusa.com/fitness-equipment/indoor-cycling-bikes.html
– sidcreations.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
seo company – https://sidcreations.com
– 24-7rooter.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
san francisco plumber – https://24-7rooter.com
– propertiescentralhomebuyers.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
we buy houses – https://propertiescentralhomebuyers.com
– mlglive.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
mlg – https://mlglive.com
– rsvphead.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
nike rsvp – https://rsvphead.com
– twittermarketingservice.com safe? – displaying 1 of 1
twitter marketing – https://twittermarketingservice.com
Rating: 2 stars
This site adds the hidden links to your code. See for yourself in the file named: mdp-local-business-seo/mdp_info.php
[Links removed my Moderator]
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Great plugin. Just wish you had a few more very important business type categories such as Marketing, online services or ecommerce
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Good Plugin, Easy Using for me, and Beautiful Structure
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The microdata within this plugin is perfect for any local business website. It establishes location and description of your website to all search engines for localized search keywords.
I am a Systems and Network Programmer and founded the Microdata Project to help others understand and use the complexity of microdata. I was tired of seeing companies who had the money to afford to hire people like myself push out of the way small businesses who could not.
Seo and microdata are becoming more and more complicated, it is my goal to make it simple. I hope you enjoy the plugin and don’t listen to the negative people, try it out for yourself and watch your impressions shoot right up.
If you ever have any question all of our contact information is on the options page of the plugin or can be found here Microdata Project
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Originally this plugin contained a hidden advertisement for the developer. Now that advertisement is still present but the developer makes it an opt-in choice for the user with a checkbox in the setup panel. That’s the right way to do it.
This is a useful and helpful plugin.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Downloaded the plugin two days ago and I can already see the search results in local areas of keyword searches. A plumber client of ours moved up 79 positions in two days for keyword search plumber in san francisco.
I was searching for a local business plugin for client websites, we have several and have to add this type of microdata our selves. This can be time consuming and costly if not done properly.
Two suggestions, one is to have a reviews page where we can enter in our own all in meta like you have it here and the other is to have services or products all in meta as well.
Thank you so much you just saved me money and time.