A year ago someone asked how to remove a post style or rename one. There was no answer and the thread was closed. I was wondering if there was an answer to this. I know this plugin is not new but I still find it useful. Thanks.
]]>hi you have said, that the plugin is for programers,
i am not, but maybe you could help me:
you said:
get_template_part call to the following:
get_template_part( 'content', get_post_style() );
but i have no such code,
instead of this i have following in my loop
<div class="td-post-content">
// override the default featured image by the templates (single.php and home.php/index.php - blog loop)
if (!empty(td_global::$load_featured_img_from_template)) {
echo $td_mod_single->get_image(td_global::$load_featured_img_from_template);
} else {
echo $td_mod_single->get_image('td_696x0');
<?php echo $td_mod_single->get_content();?>
maybe you can adjust this, and would this be enough to show all the styles?
i am using this theme:
How would I style one of these formats to my liking?
]]>How can i remove or rename the existing post styles?
]]>I am not theme author, just an wp user. Looking for theme that support audio post format. Need audio player and featured image to be displayed in posts roll on front blog page in pinterest style. Cannot find theme like this to be good and flexible enough yet.
My question:
If I start with theme which already have look as I want but dont already support Audio Post Format, is it possible to add that with your plugin? How will it look like on front blog page?
Thank you in advance
]]>Hello, and thanks a lot for tis wonderful plugin,
My problem is I activate the mcninja post format, then it allows to choose the post format you want as image, video, ling, quote … I choose one of them but nothing happens. It does not display the post format at the side bar,
only the sandard posr format, as before installing the mcninja post format. Could you help me please?
You can see my site at: https://www.webeatuidea.com
Thank you very much,