Thanks for a working plugin. The learning curve is a bit steep, however, and a few things did not work for me. One suggestion for uploading CSV: specify the order of columns and the type of data each column accepts. This is what worked for me as of 2010-12-18 using version 2.6.7 (along with some comments)
Title – data must be in double quotes
Post Date – YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (no double quotes)
Content – data must be in double quotes
Excerpt – data did not load because Pages don’t have excerpts
Category – data did not load because Pages don’t have categories
Page Parent – would only work if I wrote ‘none’ without any quotes
Template – data did not load
Page Status – ‘published’ (remove all quotes)
Page Type – ‘page’ (remove all quotes)
Comment Status – ‘open’ or ‘closed’ (remove all quotes)
Ping Status – ‘open’ or ‘closed’ (remove all quotes)
Meta Field – this worked but must double-quote value
Meta Field Value – this worked but must double-quote value
Tags – I double-quoted the value. but did not work.
Post Password – used the string “”
It was hard to figure out the column order because the field order in the CSV Builder did not match field order in the result. Confusing.
All the same, thanks for the plugin.
]]>I would love to see additional fields created for the CSV upload. Some of the most commonly used SEO features would really save me, and probably most users, a lot of time. Additional fields could include the title, description, and keyword for the All In One SEO Pack Plugin (most popular seo plugin for WordPress).
Just an idea….thanks for the great plugin!
]]>Although the pages are created, they then do not appear in page drop down boxes. I can’t select any of them as the front page or as the blog page.
]]>I have clients who need to use MPM. They can see the Pages menu in the admin area, but not the Settings menu. I’ve tried using a menu editor to enable just MPM in the Settings dropdown, but alas, it doesn’t work. Is there any way to move MPM from Settings to Pages?
Thanks very much!