i try to type in habrew letters or arabic & after seving its looks like this:
???£????????§ ???£???±????????ˉ
What the Problem?
How can i fix it?
]]>The marquee is functioning properly on our website if you view it with Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 18.0.1 but it is not functioning properly in Google Chrome 26.0.1410.43 m
The problem occurs in Chrome when the marquee reaches a specific amount of time/characters during scrolling. At that point it resets itself no matter where the words are on the screen. On IE9 and Firefox it does not reset until after the words have finished scrolling across the screen.
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
This is the site I am working on: https://www.dicksonhome.com/
]]>The scroll does not appear in Internet Explore. How can this be solved?
]]>If I place the mouse pointer on the marquee text, then the scrolling stops. How can I make the scrolling effect continue I place the mouse pointer on the marquee text?
]]>Is there any way to get the Marquee to start with the area full? Meaning, if it’s an up-scroll, start with the designated area filled with the message and then start moving?
The blank space is kind of annoying.
Likewise the scroll should be a continuous loop. Right now at the end there’s a full screen of blank space before the message starts scrolling again.
It’s be nice if it was a continuous loop with no breaks visible.
]]>The font color is being ignored because it looks like black is being set as I have highlighted below. I edited the plugin to remove this and everything works.
$output .= “<font color='”.$marqueeplus_fgcolor1.”‘><marquee style=’font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:arial;’ bgcolor='”.$marqueeplus_bgcolor1.”‘ height='”.$marqueeplus_height1.”‘ width='”.$marqueeplus_width1.”‘ scrollamount='”.$marqueeplus_speed1.”‘ onMouseOver=’this.stop();’ onMouseOut=’this.start();’ BEHAVIOR=SCROLL DIRECTION=”.$marqueeplus_value_1_dir.”> $marqueeplus_value_1″.”</marquee>”.”</font>”;
]]>I have installed the plugin marquee-plus in wordpress The plugin it works correctly with Firefox and Chrome while with Internet Explorer 8 the text does not come visualized
Is a famous problem and that it has a solution or mistake I some thing?
Paolo M.