Rating: 1 star
they have hardcoded this plugin in the main WCMP, and it still doesnt work.. unbelievable
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin is simply awful.
First…you buy the plugin from WC Vendors…to use with WC Vendors Marketplace.
Then…you buy WC Vendors Marketplace Pro…to use all of the items that you think are going to be needed for your marketplace. (They will be needed)…
Then…you discover after all of your building and hard work…that the plugin just doesn’t work right.
There is no support for coupons.
There is no actual support for the plugin.
They have had so many forum complaints that they switched to a ticket system so you can’t actually see the complaints and bug information prior to buying the plugin.
WORSTE OF ALL: they use intentionally misleading language in the plugin description…
If you are in the services business…or really in the marketplace business….just avoid the headaches.
Either pay to build your own…or use one from someone else.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
This plugin is best for a drop shipping marketplace solution not a true multi vendor platform as the current APIs do not allow for true direct payments via Stripe to Vendors and uses a concoction of methods to finally get the funds to your vendor so be aware. Will suit some business model but not all.