Team, the short codes mentioned are not working on wordpress pages.
]]>When i select the marketplace page i get an empty page with marketplace on top, nothing else.
i’m starting to use this nice plugin, but i do not understand where the vendor can request the withdral.
I do not ask commission, i win money with the membership acount, when a custorm make payment, can be directly paid the vendor?
Thank you
]]>I am unable to understand, why there are less installation for such an amazing incredible plugin.
This plugin is incredible!
But it needs marketing to reach larger audience!
]]>Hello, is there any way (shortcode?) to make the vendor dashboard available on the website (e.g. my-account > marketplace or any new page) not as a dashboard inside WordPress? Thanks!
]]>echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ ), 32 );
how to show gravatar before “By ~Avatar here~ Vendor Name” on all loop/archives.
]]>vendor is try to upload store logo from their profile, after upload logo, they are getting error, You are not allowed to upload.
i am attachnig image for your ref.
Hello. You should be able to hide images of products from different suppliers, as well as prohibit the removal of images from different suppliers?
Can you advise how to show images only to an authorized user, and how to prohibit deleting images?
How do I do so vendors automatically gets paid to terawallet a wallet plugin, I know by default it’s not a thing
following up on this feed
Looking at a slightly different angle.
What might be helpful is commission settings per country. I can see your point about marinating the currency as shop currency.
So if I had an agent in some countries. Say one in Japan and one in Canada I could allocated commission to them on specific products when sold in their country only.
Is this possible?
]]>Just came across this plugin.
Is it possible to setup and allow sellers take direct payments? Like ebay.
My concern is problems with refunds!
If a seller sells something for $1000 (I wish! Just making up to explain my point).
And 11 months later they raise a complaint with their credit card, this will be found in favour of the buyer most times.
If I setup the website then I am stuck with being obliged for the refund?
Any thoughts?
]]>get_editable_roles missing when saving settings
I understand that i can customize vendor public page from your doc. But there is no info on how to do it.
I want to show the vendor banner on its public products archive. Otherwise a customer won’t know which vendor he is viewing.
Please provide how to configure this .
Also, how do I list all the vendors on a page please?
Thanks a million.
The marketplace admin tab only has commissions and orders. What the front pgs, vendor lists , ect?
]]>Warning: include(
Fatal error: Uncaught Error:
Class ‘Alg_MPWC_Vendor_Filter’ not found in
classes/marketplace/widgets/default/class-alg-mpwc-vendor-products-filter-widget.php on line 26
It looks like the file:
is missing.
Can a product be associated with a specific Vendor in any way retrospectively or association changed?
Nice to see your Marketplace plugin come alive. I will give it a whirl.
I appreciate it is early days and hence not yet fully featured. I will be interested to see how it compares with WC Vendors which I am currently also tying out.
Will you be looking at commission in different currencies for vendors too?