This was a great little plugin – really wish someone would pick it up and make sure it’s up to date with latest version WP, etc. ??
]]>Hi there,
Wery nice plugin, is making every image map to hover.
I have a question:
i`m trying to change the header image with an image map area sections, and i am strugling to make some areas to hover and to have link.
Untill now i don`t have the expected result.
Can you tell me how to add an image highlghted in the header.php file?
thank you.
]]>Why the area shape is’t alright in the first visualization and before resize the browser?
I put this lines in the plugin setup:
<area shape=”poly” coords=”236,126,244,116,314,51,309,36,327,21,345,41,393,11,425,62,426,91,381,78,392,100,377,101,385,134,373,136,376,190,360,183,352,152,320,156,317,188,301,189,303,173″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”383,192,381,142,393,139,386,107,403,106,395,89,434,101,433,71,458,94,470,92,475,115,459,176,452,171,396,194″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”239,225,298,196,323,195,326,163,346,160,354,189,379,199,395,202,424,232,418,241,418,266,396,275,421,287,427,303,435,311,413,303,394,304,328,268,305,238,265,228″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”466,181,482,120,522,136,517,210,490,225,474,213″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”415,276,426,271,426,243,434,231,403,200,451,179,458,184,468,218,490,234,520,217,559,253,560,296,489,307,504,319,486,337,453,318,433,299,427,282″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”232,473,244,446,253,442,278,455,333,437,353,436,374,449,411,439,370,493,324,484,291,511,249,502″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”425,431,434,408,421,394,405,347,418,336,416,312,448,324,504,356,493,376,534,404,501,472,510,479,507,493,488,497,494,515,484,520,463,456″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”503,374,514,353,493,341,515,318,506,312,563,302,617,317,612,384,630,402,631,414,617,420,582,395,549,393,539,398″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”623,425,639,419,637,398,619,381,622,361,667,351,711,404,670,477,645,446″ href=””>
<area shape=”poly” coords=”487,525,502,518,497,502,513,499,518,476,510,470,541,405,550,400,578,402,614,427,641,452,669,487,677,502,598,582,587,575,595,534,567,524,522,560″ href=””>
Thanks in advance
]]>I want to use [maphilight] in multiple posts. I can get it to work for one image. How do I create a hilight image map for each post and multiple images within one post? Are there any variables to pass using the shortcode [maphilight]? Thanks.
]]>I can’t insert an image into post in plugin tab – can choose but after pushing “insert into post” nothing happens… What is this?
]]>Hi there, Is there any way I can get the Tooltip option working with this plugin?
Cheers ??
]]>Have you considered using the fork of maphilight? I believe it to be superior and it is currently maintained by its author.
The fork is called ‘ImageMapster’. You can check it out here
Thank you for the plugin, I had the same idea and you beat me to it.