in manage-notification-emails/trunk/modules/pluggable/pluggable-functions-1.5.php there is an altered copy of wp_new_user_modification. However, that function’s contents will be changing soon:
Does this plugin need to be updated? I had to disable it to test the new changeset. On the other hand I’m running an older version of WordPress, 6.9.3
]]>Are you planning to update this plugin? Really like it.
]]>Hello, we always receive emails when updating plugins although the boxes are unchecked
WordPress versions : 6.5.2
]]>We still get admin password changed emails…
]]>Hi, I’m passing on an issue we found after updating to 1.8.6.
A client reported that whenever they logged into their WordPress site, they received the “[site] Password Changed” email notification.
We confirmed this by logging in with our users and also receiving that email notification, despite not having reset our password.
The email was NOT sent when we deactivated “Manage Notification E-mails”.
Note: for debugging, the only email we had disabled using this plugin was the, “Password change notification to admin” email. Every other email was ticked.
While I didn’t have time to find the source of the issue myself, I thought I would log it here so you can look into it.
Thank you!
This plugin will not allow me to deactivate it. This means I cannot remove it. How can I remove it?
]]>Hello Guys, the emails are still delivering.
Please update the plugin and fix it.
I updated to the latest Version 1.8.5 24h back and since I’m receiving the new users emails.
I tried to re-save the settings with no more results.
Could you please fix?
]]>I don’t see the ability to disable those annoying “Some plugins have failed to update” notifications… can you add that in there as well somehow?
That would be a life saver, as we get so many of those from multiple WP installs, it’s not even funny anymore.
]]>Hi, installed this and unchecked
Automatic WordPress core update e-mail
Automatic WordPress plugin update e-mail
Automatic WordPress theme update e-mail
but I’m still getting emails such as:
Howdy! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at No further action is needed on your part.
These plugins are now up to date:
- Astra Pro (from version 4.0.1 to 4.0.1)
It’s across a couple of different sites too. Bug?
]]>Hi there,
I narrowed down an issue that goes somehow back to your plugin. It took me several hours to figure it out, so I won’t be able to go into more troubleshooting.
Perhaps you can do something with this information.
I added a single Extra Admin user (my email address) to the plugin.
After that something strange happened.
At least 2 Elementor forms on an Elementor site suddenly send an additional HTML email in plain text. That is not the biggest issue though.
Normally, one notification email is sent to [email protected] and CC to [email protected] for each form.
When I enable your plugin and add the additional admin user [email protected], then that same emails gets sent as before (normal behavior) plus an additional email gets sent to [email protected] and CC to [email protected]. This email is also sent in plain-text including the HTML tags.
There is no reason at all why the second email should be sent. I disabled all other plugins, so it must be related to your plugin & Elementor.
I hope this makes sense to you..
best regards
Very good plugins.5 Stars. Lots of good options. I miss one option. User delete – Email notification.
]]>I get the following Message about your plugin saying that your plugin has a vulnerability. Is this true and if so when will the vulnerability be fixed? Please Advise ASAP.
WordPress Manage Notification E-mails plugin <= 1.8.2 – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability
]]>Hi. I turned off sending new user registration notifications to the administrator’s email, but they still come.
]]>Disabling password change email to users also kills reset links in emails sent to users via other plugins.
For example, I’m using Ultimate Member to send an email to each new user that was added by admins. In that email is a link to reset their password so they can login for the first time. What the user gets is an error prompt on the page, saying the reset link is invalid and asking the user to send another reset request. That 2nd reset email is, of course, not sent.
I know this is related to “forgot password” resets, and evidently UM is using the built-in WP handler.
There is a warning given in the “password change” option description about “forgotten password”, but this really should be fixed nonetheless.
The plugin is not ready for prime time as it is, so for now we will have to roll our own in functions.php.
We’ve had a large number of customers in the last couple weeks on our membership site tell us that when they click forgot password and request a password reset email, they never receive that email. Could this be due to a bug in the recent update?
as a note to the already closed Contact Form 7 Topic i think i’ve found the Problem. If you set a “Extra admin recipients” Address then the sending failed, without this address the Form is sending without problems. Maybe there is a little bug combined with CF7.
Further it’s maybe affected some other Contact Forms, but different: The Extra admin receives the messages as Cc. I have get some messages from WPForms and Impreza Theme Custom Form Element, but this messages should only be send to the receiver as they are specified in the contact forms.
First of all, thanks for the plugin. We have small issue though which you might want to fix. The added admin email gets notifications/copies of cancelled woocommerce orders but not any other woocommerce emails. As I don’t see any woocommerce related options in your plugin, this seems weird.
]]>I have WP version 5.9.3 and your plugin version 1.8.2. Even though I have “plugin update email” unchecked, I am still getting emails about plugins that couldn’t be updated.
I use wordpress and woocommerce and both are latest versions.
I also use Amazon SES with fluent smtp plugin.
Since last week I keep getting new user registration mails.
Here is my setting page.
I didn’t change anything in there.
I like what your Plugin (should) do and I just tried it, but the Emails are sent again?
`Username: Vlado……
To set your password Click here.
]]>Hello ..
From where can I get the extra modules >> [Extra admin recipients] and [E-mail address changed by user]?
I need to let two admin accounts gets email notification such as new user registration.
I hope It is available.
Thank you
]]>Minor misspelling under WP Admin > Settings > Notification e-mails > Modules > E-mail address changed by user. There should be a space between “e-mail” and “address”. It says “e-mailaddress” in three spots.
I have noticed that when I use “Contact Form 7” plugin, which is a plugin that allows including contact forms on a website, and I install the “Manage Notification E-mails” plugin, then the Contact Form 7 plugin shows this error when sending a form:
“There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.”
This is very annoying and the only way I found is to disable the “Manage Notification E-mails” plugin so that CF7 works again.
Can you please investigate on what is going on with the compatibility with that plugin?
]]>FYI – this plugin conflicts with s2member pro’s ability to send emails when a new member signs up. Unfortunately, we were unable to use it.
Thanks for your plugin
I have some error in the wp-json routes
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare card_famne_user_email_changed() (previously declared in /…./wp-content/plugins/manage-notification-emails/modules/user-email-changed.php:48) in /…./wp-content/plugins/manage-notification-emails/modules/user-email-changed.php on line 48
This error appears in version 1.7 or higher
]]>If had this on 2 different Multisites: When I saw the Network Settings option I was impressed and went with it. But then I found that I still get plugin update emails, although set to off in the network settings. To stop them I have to deactivate network settings and set the options on the prime site.
Hope this helps to make a great plugin even better!
I found several localization issues, and I couldn’t find any repository of this plugin, so I left some modifications as the following.
modules\settings-page\views\modules.php line 40
Correction: <?php _e( 'For this environment, it is possible for you to manage all settings globally in the network settings menu.', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?>
modules\settings-page\class.FAMNESettingsPage.php line 87
Correct: echo '<div id="message" class="updated notice is-dismissible"><p>' . esc_html__( 'Settings updated.', 'manage-notification-emails' ) . '</p><button type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Dismiss this notice.', 'manage-notification-emails' ) . '</span></button></div>';
modules\custom-recipients.php line 47, 48 and 49
Correct: <h2 class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Extra admin recipients', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?></h2>
<?php _e( 'Here you can add extra admin recipients who will also receive all admin notifications.', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?>
<?php print_textbox( $famne_options, 'custom_admin_recipients', __( 'E-mail address(es)', 'manage-notification-emails' ), '', __( 'For multiple addresses separate by comma.', 'manage-notification-emails' ), 'text', '[email protected],[email protected]' ); ?>
modules\export-settings.php line 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 ,57 and 58
<h2 class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Export and import settings', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?></h2>
<?php esc_html_e( 'Here you can export or import your Manage notification e-mails settings.', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?>
<br/><br/><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Export your settings in JSON format', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?></strong><br/>
<a href="<?php echo $downloadlink; ?>" class="button" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><?php esc_html_e( 'Export settings file', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?></a>
<br/><br/><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Import setting in JSON format', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?></strong><br/>
<input type="file" id="settings-upload-file" name="settings-upload-file" accept="application/JSON" data-message="<?php esc_html_e( 'Do you want to overwrite your current settings?', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?>"/>
<input type="submit" class="button button-primary" id="settings-upload-submit" disabled="disabled" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Start import', 'manage-notification-emails' ); ?>" />
I tested the above modifications from my side, and they seemed to be fine.
Alex Lion
We’ve had issues with blank messages being sent to the site admin from the beginning of our site launch with this plugin installed. We’re a WooCommerce storefront, and based on my discussions with support and others, I think this plugin and WooCommerce are conflicting somehow. I can’t replicate the issue, but the site admin gets random blank messages – and it’s been going on for months.
Does anyone have experience with making this plugin work with WooCommerce? The functionality of it has been great, other than this headache. Any suggestions?
]]>I’ve gone through a variety of plugins, scripts and no matter what I still have forgot password emails that are being sent to admins. I checked off the Password change notification to admin here in the Manage Notifications settings, but I’m still receiving emails when passwords are changed. Why? Is there something I’m missing here?
My site does use MemberPress and BuddyBoss, so I’m hoping that isn’t one of the reasons. But even they say it’s WordPress core.