Notice: Undefined variable: wsx_company_name in /path../wp-content/plugins/manage-customized-plugin-updates/admin/wsx-mcpu-manage-customized-plugin-updates.php on line 302
You reported in earlier support that it was solved, but still the issue
When tried to verify it fails the consistency. Indeed if we customize it, the update will be effected to the snippets
]]>I turned on debug to sort out something else and after I did that I noticed this undefined variable error on the admin Plugins page:
Notice: Undefined variable: rand_id in /home/mydomain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/manage-customized-plugin-updates/admin/wsx-mcpu-manage-customized-plugin-updates.php on line 263
It doesn’t seem to be affecting the functioning of the plugin, but I figured that you’d want to know about it.