Thank you for the great plugin.
Is it possible to have numbers to the right of the filter?
If I have 5 blue shirts, can it show (5) next to the attribute Blue?
Thank you
I installed your plugin in conjunction with the media library assistant plugin. my goal was to replace the pagination of the MLA plugin with a ‘load more’ button. this worked fine, but the button is only displayed once.
can you tell me why this is happening and how i can solve it?
thank you in advance.`
Could you please share the code to query and display multiple sets of posts in the same template and independently paginate them?
Because https://www.wordpress-ajax-pagination.com/multiple-posts-set-up link is dead(
Hi there,
I see post auto load.
But not the pagination auto load.
How can fix it, pls?
Is there an update coming soon ? Because there is a problem of incompatibility with the latest version of wooCommerce.
]]>Sorry I’m a total noobie
Could someone do me a massive favour and inspect this site and tell me what I need to put into the setting to get infinite scrolling working on all the woocommerce product pages, please.
posts selector ?
post selector ?
navigation selector ?
next selector ?
]]>i want to create loading more article on click in Single Template Post and Child of category. At first i just want to say my code work in tempalte page and parent categorry. The problem is: after click button querry return the same date.
all question i send to wordpress.stackexchange.com link below
]]>how to manage in comment list pagination?
I have used in some many sites but never working on comment ajax list?
Hi, A was pretty amazed to use your Ajax loading plugin until I encountered the single issue that I wasn’t able to solve.
Since I want to use it firstly on a WooCommerce grid I tried to add your Callback code – changing .grid with .products but it didn’t help. My loaded products mess up all together on the right side.
I also tried some codes here for the masonry style, without more success.
Could you please give more indications to achieve best grid loads.
+ giving the ability to chose the number of loaded items could be nice to.
This plugin works great, but i found one little bug. There is no scroll action when all initial posts are visible on the screen. (there is no scrollbar, yet…). It should load the next posts untill a scrollbar appears.
I’m also looking for a combination of the ‘load more’ button and infinte scroll function. Is this possible? i tried adding the ‘load more’ button manually to the html but it does not hook the action to the button. (the used js is not a delegate function)
Kind regards, Vinzz.
I work with webdesign in EU, and now GDPR is a big issue when it comes to our clients that are ranging between major and minor companies.
I went through much of your documentation, but didn’t get any information about GDPR and if your plugin(s) will have issues with it. I couldn’t even find a Terms & Conditions text for use.
I want to know this: Are you getting any kind of information from websites through your plugins?
If you do, I need to know what, since that has to be included in the GDPR disclosure for the users and especially the companies.
Thank you for clearing things up for me.
]]>It repeat the last ajax call while scolling.
In addition of the callback textarea, it would be nice to trigger a javascript event when posts are loaded; it would be more flexible.
Thanks !
Hi, thanks for the plugin!
I just want to say that I found out how to resolve my problem using this plugin + masonry; after having read this topic.
It would be great that you update the plugin readme with this information (you only talk about isotope, not about masonry).
Another thing: in the plugin settings, the Callback Settings section is quite obscure. You should explain that the textarea should be used for javascript code.
When using the plugin with multiple paginations on the same page, there is a weird bug occuring:
For testing purposes we only show 1 post per page.
The first pagination has only one post (no pagination shown)
The second pagination has multiple posts (a couple of pages)
When clicking on the page-2 link of the second pagination, no new posts are shown. The URL changes to the correct URL ( -> example.com/paged2=2 ). When we refresh the page, the post from page 2 shows correctly.
I think this is a bug. I can e-mail you the url of the page where the error occurs if you want.
Keep up the good work!
Happy holidays,
I have a custom post type archive page where posts are displayed in a masonry grid with infinite scroll. Infinite scroll is working. However on certain screen sizes (tall screens) there is no overflow when the first page of posts are displayed, and hence there is no way to load the next pages of posts. Can you help me with a fix or workaround?
this plugin verry cool!
Ajax is not working for windows7 and ie11
Ajax is working for chrome,firefox,windows10
Doesn’t look like the author of this plugin provides any support which is a shame but can anyone assist with the wrapper settings for the Elegant Themes Extra theme?
]]>I’ve set this plugin to Load More Button paging type and I need to be able to select the first new loaded post in order to scroll it to the top of the page via jquery after the button is clicked and the new content is loaded. How do I do this?
]]>I am trying to get products from category’s slug its working fine. Pagination working fine in page. But when i call products with ajax , my post loop is in functions.php file then its not working. I am sending slug with ajax then getting products according to category’s slug, its working fine. Pagination is not working in ajax:
Following is my code in functions.php:–
$product_category =$_POST[‘post_id’];
$paged1 = isset( $_GET[‘paged1’] ) ? (int) $_GET[‘paged1’] : 1;
$postsPerPage = 3;
$args = array(
‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
‘posts_per_page’ => $postsPerPage,
‘paged’ => $paged1,
‘tax_query’ => array(
‘relation’ => ‘AND’,
‘taxonomy’ => ‘product_cat’,
‘field’ => ‘slug’,
‘terms’ => $product_category
‘post_type’ => ‘product’,
‘orderby’ => ‘title,’
$products = new WP_Query( $args );
while ( $products->have_posts() ) {
<div class=”col-xs-12 col-sm-4 featuredproduct-block”>
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $products->post->ID ), ‘single-post-thumbnail’ ); ?>
” data-id=”<?php echo $products->post->ID; ?>”>
<?php }
// Set the pagination args.
$paginateArgs = array(
‘format’ => ‘?paged1=%#%’,
‘current’ => $paged1, // Reference the custom paged query we initially set.
‘total’ => $products->max_num_pages // Max pages from our custom query.
); ?>
<!– Wrap the pagination –>
<div class=”navigation nav-links”>
<?php echo paginate_links( $paginateArgs ); ?>
<?php }
Posts Selector: main#content
Post Selector: main#content article
Navigation Selector: .wp-pagenavi
Next Selector: .wp-pagenavi a.nextpostslink
The homepage is using a custom query, and the blog page is set as the default Posts Page. Both of them load the same 5 posts rather than the 6th post (so I don’t think it’s my custom query). I am using the wp-pagenavi plugin, however I tested the blog page using the default twentyten navigation and that didn’t show anything different either (so doesn’t seem to be an issue with wp-pagenavi).
I feel like I’m missing something, but not sure what it is, any suggestions?
]]>Is it possible modify the URL without reloading the page on every ajax call?
I found this, but I am not able to fix it.
Maybe it could be added on next plugin release.
]]>Google is once again showing why standards compliant building might be very beneficial for SEO. They have started to use rel=”next” and rel=”prev”, both part of HTML4 and HTML5, to recognize archives and paged articles.
Look at this article: https://yoast.com/rel-next-prev-paginated-archives/
I realized that your plugin does not have it into consideration.
I noticed that the first time a new set of items is loaded, in source code appears <link rel="next" href="https://www.example.com/page/2/"/>
but for the next set of posts loaded via ajax, it does NOT update to
<link rel="next" href="https://www.example.com/page/3/"/>
so this is not good for SEO. It causes that Google Search Console inform of HTML improvements with duplicated content.
It could be great if plugin could add compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin using its Yoast filters available for fixing it, using your native custom events that are triggered: https://kb.yoast.com/kb/is-the-plugin-compatible-with-paginated-content/
As you can see, some products are duplicated. How to fix this?
]]>It can load posts very well,but can’t load the share buttuon.
]]>Hi author, I am having problem regarding your plugin. Why does it keeps loading items even though I scroll up and even though I’ve not reached bottom of the pagination?
I have change px to 50,150,1000,2000 but nothing works.
Hi there!
I liked your plugin but I cant figure out how can I get Google Ads on ajax. It loads the first ads on the post loop, but after 1st loop, it stops showing. I’ve used:
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
but it still isn’t working.
Any solutions?
Pagination doesn’t properly work with Flatsome’s theme WooCommerce shop page, as the Quick-view lightbox window doesn’t open for the ajax-ed products. A fix for this:
* Compatibility fix for Maliky Infinite Scroll and Flatsome WC Shop page
(function($) {
"use strict";
$(document).on('malinkyLoadPostsComplete', function() {
And the settings:
Posts (Content) Selector: [div.shop-container]
Post (Item) Selector: [div.products]
Navigation Selector: [nav.woocommerce-pagination]
Next Selector: [nav.woocommerce-pagination li a.next]
When I install any live chat services on the site the back button no longer works properly. Content previously loaded with the “load more” button is reset/gone. Has anyone else had this problem or have any idea how to solve it?
]]>Hi ??
I have a code i wrote it years ago for function related_post like this
function related_posts(){
global $get_meta , $post;
global $post;
$orig_post = $post;
//$query_type = tie_get_option('related_query') ;
$categories = get_the_category( $post->ID );
$first_cat = $categories[0]->cat_ID;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
$tags_ids = array();
foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tags_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
$args=array('post__not_in' => array($post->ID),'posts_per_page'=> 16 , 'category__in'=> $first_cat);
$attr = array( 'class' => "attachment-catego" );
$related_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $related_query->have_posts() ) : $count=0;?>
<section id="related_posts">
<div class="block-head">
<h3>?????? ???? ?? ?????</h3><div class="stripe-line"></div>
<div class="post-listing">
<?php while ( $related_query->have_posts() ) : $related_query->the_post()?>
<div class="related-item">
<?php if ( function_exists("has_post_thumbnail") && has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>
<div class="post-thumbnail">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" rel="bookmark">
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), 'catego', $attr ); ?>
</div><!-- post-thumbnail /-->
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php echo mb_substr(get_the_title(), 0, 87); ?></a></h3>
<div class="entry"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>"></div>
<p class="post-meta"><?php /*tie_get_time()*/ ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile;?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endif;
$post = $orig_post;
and i load the template like this <?php related_posts(); ?>
which load recent posts after the current post in a posting list like in this link
the problem here that i can’t make pages for this list to load and show the next list content … i tried to do the steps in Multiple Posts Set Up here: https://wordpress-ajax-pagination.com/multiple-posts-set-up
but could not make it right and i searched for 3 days to make pagination for this function but i can’t.
Can you help me to set up the right code to use the plugin with load more option with this list ?
Your help is really appreciated ??