It seems that there’s a bug where bounces from Amazon SNS with type Transient
are being handled the same way as bounces with type Permanent
. This is leading to my subscribers being marked as Hardbounced even for temporary failures.
In MailsterAmazonSES::handle_sns()
I can see transient bounces are being handled with:
mailster( 'subscribers' )->bounce( $subscriber->ID, $campaign_id, true, $status, $campaign_index );
Where true is being passed for the $hard
parameter. Shouldn’t this be false for transient bounces?
Amazon is asking TLS connections to 1.2 to maintain AWS APIs connectivity.
Is this plugin ready for TLS 1.2 or higher?
Thank you!
]]>Does this plugin direct all WordPress mail through AmazonSES or just Mailster mail?
If the latter, why does it complain when FluentSMTP is installed?
The?wp_mail()?method already exists from a different plugin! Please disable it before using Mailster for system mails!
Hi Mailster team,
We would like to use this plugin to send emails in Mailster via AWS SES.
After installation, we are asked to create a full permission access key at If multiple SES resources are used, this is a high security risk.
Which permission of an IAM policy exactly does the plugin need to create an AWS user that only has the required permissions?
Best regards,
]]>Bug report – Mailster AmazonSES Integration
On the delivery settings page of Mailster in the AmazonSES tab I have this php warning message:
Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/.aws/config) is not within the allowed path(s): (/data/web/virtuals/326827/virtual) in /data/web/virtuals/326827/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/Aws/DefaultsMode/ConfigurationProvider.php on line 126
I use php 8.2.1 and wordpress 6.3.1.
Please, fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you,
]]>Are there any directions in confuguration of the plugin to prevent emails going to spam?
How should the settings in authentication tab be set (SPF / DKIM)?
Best regards, Alen.
when inserting the Amazon keys and saving I always receive a fatal error. This i the log that WordPress sends me via email. Thanks!
Un errore di E_ERROR è stato causato nella linea 16 del file
Messaggio di errore:
Uncaught TypeError: method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, array given in root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/RejectedPromise.php:16
Stack trace:
0 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/RejectedPromise.php(16): method_exists()
1 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/Aws/Handler/GuzzleV6/GuzzleHandler.php(41): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise->__construct()
2 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(164): Mailster\Aws3\Aws\Handler\GuzzleV6\GuzzleHandler::Mailster\Aws3\Aws\Handler\GuzzleV6{closure}()
3 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(125): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::callHandler()
4 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/TaskQueue.php(44): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise{closure}()
5 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Handler/CurlMultiHandler.php(80): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\TaskQueue->run()
6 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Handler/CurlMultiHandler.php(101): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler->tick()
7 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(200): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler->execute()
8 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(183): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->invokeWaitFn()
9 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(219): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->waitIfPending()
10 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(185): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->invokeWaitList()
11 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(219): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->waitIfPending()
12 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(185): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->invokeWaitList()
13 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/Promise.php(51): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->waitIfPending()
14 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/Aws/AwsClientTrait.php(43): Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise->wait()
15 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/Aws/AwsClientTrait.php(56): Mailster\Aws3\Aws\AwsClient->execute()
16 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php(192): Mailster\Aws3\Aws\AwsClient->__call()
17 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php(206): MailsterAmazonSES->aws()
18 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php(306): MailsterAmazonSES->getquota()
19 root/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): MailsterAmazonSES->verify_options()
20 root/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
21 root/wp-content/plugins/mailster/classes/settings.class.php(1271): apply_filters()
22 root/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): MailsterSettings->verify()
23 root/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
24 root/wp-includes/formatting.php(5000): apply_filters()
25 root/wp-includes/option.php(448): sanitize_option()
26 root/wp-admin/options.php(322): update_option()
27 {main}
The plugin raises an exception here and then in the rejectedpromise.php. This is the exception and its details:
TypeError: method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, array given
(unknown method)(/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/vendor/GuzzleHttp/Promise/RejectedPromise.php:16)
11 class RejectedPromise implements \Mailster\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface
12 {
13 private $reason;
14 public function __construct($reason)
15 {
16 if (method_exists($reason, ‘then’)) {
17 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘You cannot create a RejectedPromise with a promise.’);
18 }
19 $this->reason = $reason;
20 }
I have mailster latest version and this plugin ( AmazonSES Integration) does not works properly
we can not send email campaign and I do not receive any email through , this intergration
please update this or I would have to downgrade my mailster plugin
Thank you
]]>Hi, it seems like there is error on wp-admin/options-discussion.php Error. I’m unable to save anything on wp-admin/options-discussion.php when this plugin is enabled. Once I disable, it’s works. I checked the logs and issue, It’s from this plugin.
I think this might affect all other users as well. Please check.
Update: I just found the issue. It’s because there is a plugin send email when updating the change of the wp-options, it’s unable to send because the wpmail() sender is conflict with this plugin.
]]>Notification "confirmation" has thrown an error: Error executing "SendRawEmail" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error:
POST in a
400 Bad Request` response:
<ErrorResponse xmlns=””>
<Code>MessageReje (truncated…)
MessageRejected (client): Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-2: ******** – <ErrorResponse xmlns=””>
<Message>Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-2: ********</Message>
I’m getting these notifications in admin area. Can you please let me know how to resolve this.
]]>There seems to be a compatibility issue with W3 Total Cache’s Object Cache.
When I have Object Cache turned on in W3 Total Cache, Send Test Email fails specifically for SES. The normal WordPress Send mail works in Mailster. When Object Cache is disabled, SES starts working in Mailster.
my AmazonSES sending ability was paused due to high bounce and complaint rates.
You can track clicks and bounces:, which is good. But can you add tracking for ‘marked as spam’ rate?
We love to hear your opinion or plan on this.
Best regards!
]]>Hello, I just purchased the Mailster plugin, which I intend to use with Amazon SES. However, on installing the Amazon SES extension, my server crashed (HTTP Error 500). Our dev had to delete the extension from the server to get the site back up. This is painful because we have already paid for Mailster and couldn’t probably get a refund. If the Amazon extension doesn’t work on our site, we cannot use Mailster. What might be the solution?
]]>In the SES setting, you can send via web api, or smtp api. It looks like it is always using port 25. Any way that the post can be changed? 25,465,597 are the obvious candidates.
]]>I want to use the Amazon SES California region or Amazon SES Ohio region, but these regions are missing from the list of endpoints. Can you fix this please.
]]>Vaulpress shows security threat after latest plugin update
This code pattern is often used to run a very dangerous shell programs on your server. The code in these files needs to be reviewed, and possibly cleaned.
Kindly issue a patch
]]>I received this email from Amazon SES and was wondering how that will affect Mailster’s SES plugin:
]]>Amazon Web Services currently supports Amazon SES API requests that are signed using Signature Version 3 and Signature Version 4 processes. Signature Version 4 further enhances the security around authentication and authorization of Amazon SES customers by using a signing key instead of your secret access key. To improve the security for our customers, beginning October 1, 2020, Amazon Signature Version 3 will be turned off (deprecated) in Amazon SES in favor of Signature Version 4.
Amazon SES customers who are still using Signature Version 3 must migrate to Signature Version 4 by September 30, 2020. After that, Amazon SES will only accept requests that are signed using Signature Version 4.
Have done all the needed configurations , provided SES keys, done OK. But campaign doesn’t send any mails. I have selected Mailster Default Bounce handling, NOT SES Bounce handling, is this a reason why my campaign mails are failing ?
Is it mandatory to select AMAZON SES BOUNCE handling for successful email campaign ?
Thank you.
Could you add Asia Pacific (Sydney) endpoint and another new SES Region to this plugin?
Thank you.
I am hoping you can help as I seem to be having some problems saving new keys for SES, every time I add the new keys and save them they seem to not overwrite the old keys and won’t save, which then stops Mailster from sending as the keys aren’t recognised.
I haven’t made any other changes to mailster, so I’m at a loss now as to what the problem could be and hoping you could point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help
I am hoping you can help. I keep getting a fatal error when switching to the Amazon SES delivery method using this plugin.
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 212 of the file /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get() in /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php:212
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/mailster-amazonses/classes/amazonses.class.php(305): MailsterAmazonSES->getquota(false)
#1 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): MailsterAmazonSES->verify_options(Array)
#2 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/plugin.php(206): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array)
#3 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/mailster/classes/settings.class.php(1250): apply_filters(‘mailster_verify…’, Array)
#4 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(290): MailsterSettings->verify(Array)
#5 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/plugin.php(206): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array)
#6 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/formatting.php(4823): apply_filters(‘sanitize_option…’, Array, ‘mailster_option…’, Array)
#7 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/option.php(319): sanitize_option(‘mailster_option…’, Array)
#8 /var/www/wptbox/wp-admin/options.php(285)
I’m using WordPress 5.4 with Mailster and Mailster SES plugins being the only plugins that are activated. I am using the Divi theme but have also tried it on 2019 theme and I still get the error when I try to save my credentials. it also happens on a local install.
Do you have any idea what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance
]]>I love this new feature of emails bounced through Amazon SNS.
But I can’t verify the process. According to the guide, it says:
“AmazonSNS now send a confirmation to this endpoint and the add on automatically verifies it.”
But I never get the confirmation.
What will I be doing wrong?
We would like to use this plugin to send newsletters en mass (like 30k recipients) through Amazon SES.
Due to it’s large size and the timely nature of the emails, we want to ensure that the emails reach the recipient in due time.
Hence, we want to ensure that this plugin supports multithreading.
Thanking you,
Kind regards,
]]>Hi, could you create a field to add Configuration sets do the header of the email.
This way we could create some statistics inside Amazon SES.