Kindly update this plugin!
]]>I guess this is abandoned. Its is severely flawed in in its implementation. It works but its display is unacceptable in that it displays the page on which it is places, ieg when in the footer it duplicates the whole page in the footer as well as the lists. In the sidebar it squashes the page into the width of the sidebar as well as the subscription list. Subscription Management link is blank. readme contains only default plugin installation info
Last updated, allegedly 6 months ago but the last actual support response was nearly two and a half years ago and thats was not correct, referring as it did to a readme with instructions that did not exist.
If the display worked I’d give it 5 stars but unsupported as it is and unacceptable display bugs and missing functionality its a one I’m afraid
]]>I insert the widget in the sidebar and it works but above the form it inserts the entire home page squashed to fit.
It does nothing when I try it on a page in a pagebuilder row.
]]>I tried several shortcodes on the same page and odd things happen. A different list subscribes, all of them show as subscribes… Can I not put more than one on a page?
]]>What am I missing? Mailgun handles my single contact emails great. I can send to my lists from my mail client. But now what? I have a bunch of lists related to post categories but no means of using them within wordpress. Sure, email new posts exist but they all send to their own lists. There is a missing link.
]]>Hi guys,
This plugin was working well then I updated my mailgun API keys and forgot to update them in the plugin so of course it stopped working.
Now I have entered the updated API keys in the plugin subscription is still not working from
I dont think the plugin is hooked into and mailgun list as I can’t see that in the settings page and available lists is empty.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
]]>Sorry if I’m missing something obvious but I don’t see the shortcode or an option to insert the form on a page anywhere. How do I do this?
]]>What would be the easiest way to bypass the double opt-in mechanism altogether, so the user is immediately signed up to the mailgun list?
In our situation, the email is already verified by the customer, so requiring another double opt-in here is redundant.
]]>I am really glad to have this mostly working, thanks all. 3 issues I have.
1. How would we enbed the sign up form in php? we have this document
that need the email entered to be subscribed to out mailgun list (the appearance of the sign up section is not important.
2. I can’t see anywhere in the interface to generate shortcodes or what shortcode options exist, I dug in the file and guessed
which worked as can be seen here
Although it would be nice if the list name and email address did not behave like links when hovered over.
What other parameters or variables can be set in shortcodes and how?
3. Is there a way to add custom HTML in the Confirmation Email and Welcome Email? I tried adding
<a title="Odds Comparisons" href="">Odds Comparisons</a>
but was displayed as plain text.
Thanks, have a great day.
]]>Hi guys,
Thanks for making this plugin.
everything seems to work on my site until I enter an email address and press subscribe then red text shows
“Please verify your email address.”
is amended to the URL. I have tried uninstaling and reinstalling on 2 different sites, disabling all other plugins, entering multiple valid emails and nothing gets past it. I have 2 guesses as to what the problem might be.
1. this plugin
Requires: 3.9 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.9.8
Last Updated: 2014-7-31
but my site has the newest WP 4.2.4, I am happy to be a tester to get this working in the latest version of WP but I can not code.
2. I am not sure what if anything I am supposed to enter into the API Public Key field, I have tried leaving it blank, entering the API key and the API Base URL and there is no difference.
Thanks if you can help
]]>When L loaded up the plugin and set my key anc Confirmation page I started getting this error in my Mailgun List admin screen.
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/alsmith/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mailgun-subscriptions/Mailgun_Subscriptions/Admin_Page.php on line 285
Warning: array_diff(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/alsmith/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mailgun-subscriptions/Mailgun_Subscriptions/Admin_Page.php on line 285
On the page for the subscription I see.
Warning: uasort() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/alsmith/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mailgun-subscriptions/Mailgun_Subscriptions/Plugin.php on line 135
I did go to my mailgun admin and added a list manually to see if that would help and I still see the same errors.