I am using MailerSend for SMTP and creating templates for email notificaitons. I’m also using Bookly, as my business is health and wellness coaching and that enables me to have a booking form. I am not a coder, and I am feeling confused by the fact that I have three places from which email notifications can eminate: Bookly, Woocommerce, and MailerSend. Specifically, I am encountering this issue:
I have created a MailerSend template for a “Confirmation Email” and I tried adding this template ID to the Woocommerce Confirmation email field, but when I created a test order, it would not send.? However, the same MailerSend template works perfectly when I add its template ID to the?Processing email notification in Woocommerce.
I’m using Bookly because my business is primarily bookings. It appears that Woocommerce is marking all test bookings as “Processing.” That is probably why when I added the template ID to the?Processing field under WooCommerce > MailerSend, it worked: as the customer of a mock order, I received the MailerSend Confirmation email.
How do I get Woocommerce to designate my customers’ orders as complete rather than processing, though? All of my products are designated as “virtual” within Woocommerce, so they should be recognized as having complete orders once a customer goes through the process and pays — even when it’s a free consultation. After all, there is no physical product to ship.
If the issue is how Woocommerce designates virtual or zero-dollar products such as a free consultation, does anyone have advice about how to get Woocomerce to label the order Complete so the Confirmation email will work? Or is there some other way I shoudl be approaching the issue?
Note also: I was using WP SMTP and deactivated that once I installed MailerSend.
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
]]>Today my site stopped sending emails respond with the following error.
Did it happen to anyone else? Could it be because the now enforced TLS 1.2 and the plugin not being updated 3 versions of wordpress ago?
[2024-07-05 10:59:56] - wp_mail_failed - SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
this plugin is still alive?
]]>Hello, I am contacting all plugin authors to double check that the plugins we use are compatible with the pending release of Woocommerce HPOS tables.
Can you confirm that MailerSend for WooCommerce is compatible?
Kind regards