We were using this plugin to manage the emails being sent by the Subscribe2 plugin, and it was working fine for a long time, but I recently had to update WordPress from a much older version and all the plugins we were using (after appropriate updates) still worked except for this one. I know that our site’s mail sending capability is fine since it works without the queue, but it doesn’t work when the queue is active.
I see this plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time. Does it still work or do I need to find a different plugin?
]]>It seems that the BCC and CC are not being delivered.
It ends up correctly in the headers of the mail in the queu database table, but the mails are not arriving.
If I use another SMTP plugin then the same code does deliver to the BCC and CC
Hi, is there a documentation for the API? Which function do we call from PHP to send to a specific queue?
]]>Hi, I need email queuing but the sending to be made using wp_mail() and not custom SMTP. Is this possible today with your plugin? If not is this a feature you can add? Thx.
]]>Great plugin! Thank you.
I use it for queuing send through own single sendmail. And the magic with the substitution field “From” I do not need it. I need to leave the original (from_name, from_email).
Now I commented out some lines function send.
Could you create a plug-in settings for this case?
]]>Does the mail queue support a multi-site configuration or will each site in a network have its own mail queue?
I’m guessing no, but wanted to ask.
]]>Been testing this plugin out to keep my emails throttled, and came across something I am not sure how to rectify. When I have the plugin enabled, any emails that come to ME from visitors via a Contact Form 7 form are stripped of their attachments. When I disable the plugin, attachments come through fine again. Are there special settings I should be looking for to keep the attachments?
Thank you!
Is the latest version of the plugin compatible with WP 3.7?
How does it work with Subscribe2? What should the plugin settings should be?
Many Thanks!
We face encoding problem in all my mails. They are utf-8.Also i see charset in mail header. But some letters are seem as ? character. Need help.
]]>Firstly, thanks for developing a very handy plugin! I’m having a slight issue, I have the hourly limit set to 450 but when I queue up 650 emails it sends them all and surpasses my hourly limit of 500 emails. The emails per hour counter does not update…
Any idea what the issue it?
]]>When sending notification on new comment:
[07-Aug-2013 08:41:10 UTC] База данных WordPress возвратила ошибку Field ‘msg_from’ doesn’t have a default value в ответ на запрос INSERT INTO wp_pbci_mail_queue
) VALUES (…), выполненный wp_new_comment, wp_notify_postauthor, wp_mail, PBCIMailQueue->pbci_mail_queue
[07-Aug-2013 08:43:45 UTC] База данных WordPress возвратила ошибку Field ‘queue_id’ doesn’t have a default value в ответ на запрос INSERT INTO wp_pbci_mail_queue
) VALUES (…), выполненный wp_new_comment, wp_notify_postauthor, wp_mail, PBCIMailQueue->pbci_mail_queue
[07-Aug-2013 08:59:48 UTC] База данных WordPress возвратила ошибку Field ‘smtp_msg_id’ doesn’t have a default value в ответ на запрос INSERT INTO wp_pbci_mail_queue
) VALUES (…), выполненный wp_new_comment, wp_notify_postauthor, wp_mail, PBCIMailQueue->pbci_mail_queue
I need to set blank default values in the table wp_pbci_mail_queue to fields smtp_msg_id, msg_from, queue_id to fix this error.
]]>Great plugin – only issue I have is that I can’t change the ‘from email’.
It’s currently grabbing this value (from email) from the SMTP login I set up; and this becomes an issue when the SMTP login I need to use it’s not an actual email address, which is the case when using Amazon SES.
I noticed some code commented out that used to solve this issue.
Anyway, I don’t think you should enforce the ‘from email’ to be the same as the SMTP login. Although it is definitely good practice that the ‘from email’ is the same as the login username, email services that separate SMTP credentials from verified senders, like Amazon SES, won’t work with this plugin.
Thanks for this amazing plugin though, I love it.
]]>Hi Thanks for your great plugin! Ive got everything working I think, except that when I send the test mail it comes into my inbox as from (unknown sender). The log for the test mail reads:
SMTP -> FROM SERVER:250 2.1.0 <>… Sender ok
SMTP -> FROM SERVER:250 2.1.5 <[email protected]>… Recipient ok
SMTP -> FROM SERVER:354 Enter mail, end with “.” on a line by itself
SMTP -> FROM SERVER:250 2.0.0 r2DJC2kp021333 Message accepted for delivery
SMTP -> FROM SERVER:221 2.0.0 ip-10-99-2-235.ec2.internal closing connection
is it possible that there should be something in between the <> after FROM SERVER:250 2.1.0? How can I fix so mail comes in from my “From Name” (ie: Sajan Blog)
i don′t understand, how this plugin is working. i installed the plugin an set it up.
when i start testing, the queue will be created, but not send. do i need a newsletter or additional email plugin that is sendig the queues?
best regards
I’m using Subscribe2 to send digest e-mails everyday.
Lately, I started to get the following errors:
“Domain hiperstore.ro has exceeded the max emails per hour (250/250 (100%)) allowed. Message discarded.”
I think it was after I set up my mail with Google Apps that I started to get them.
I installed Mail Queues by PBCI plugin to solve that but now I get a different error:
“Messages should have one or no Reply-To headers, not 2”
Subscribe2 is not setting 2 Reply-To headers but having looked at the Mail Queues by PBCI plugin code I think it may be coming from there. The PHPMailer Class function AddReplyTo is called twice in that code.
Can you help?
Firstly, thank you for your (free) plugin.
My SMTP server requires the use of ‘AUTH’ to send mail. How can I configure your plugin to use this and how can I enter the AUTH settings?
Many thanks!
]]>Hi Jeff,
I have installed your plugin and all pages for the plug work and display correctly but the ‘Mail Queue’ one. Clicking on this just displays a blank page and crashes my ability to navigate to other pages within the administration area of my wordpress site. Have you any ideas?
Yours sincerely,
Ben Cox.
Saves us! Makes emails get to where they are supposed to go. We don’t have to pay for extra email services, we don’t have to check for non-deliveries.
And best of all, since we started using it our messages never get incorrectly returned for possible SPAM.