I-want-to-control-how-frequent-the-email-is-sent-out. There-is-currently-no-setting-which-allows-it-to-do-so. What-are-the-options?-Please-help.
]]>I want to control how frequent the email is sent out. There is currently no setting which allows it to do so. What are the options? Please help.
]]>Great plugin! Keep on! ??
I think it would be much more easier (and a low hanging fruit to implement), to link to https://WEBSITE/wp-admin/update-core.php instead of https://WEBSITE/wp-admin/plugins.php
For the latter you have to scroll and look after every plugin which is marked for an update and update each one separately. With the first link you could do it in one step. ??
What do you think?
]]>Is there a way to test that once installed this plugin can successfully send an email?
I have this currently installed on a Pantheon multidev instance and would like to make sure it functions properly prior to deploying to a production environment.
Any advice is greatly appreciated as I’d prefer to use a lightweight option such as this plugin over something like Wordfence.
Thank you,
I have about 10 site on some of the site i get the mail whit click link and some i need to ctrl+c the link and go to browser.
And 1-2 site i get 10 mail eache time whit the same time stamp.
No more send a “Mail” on update now after new WordPress 4.9.1 Update.
Used Version 5.4.9
MOU V5.4.9 does not send emails.
After some debug I found out that the way $from is now constructed makes wp_mail_failed trigger on the setFrom field.
[errors] => Array
[wp_mail_failed] => Array
[0] => Invalid address: (setFrom) <server name here>
It happens whatever the server name (simple localhost, hosted primary domain, hosted sub domain).
WP4.9.1 + LAMP PHP 7.1.9 – hosted primary domain
WP4.9.1 + LAMP PHP 5.6.31 – hosted sub domain
WP4.9.1 + LAMP PHP 7.2.0 – local dev localhost
Current applied workaround :
wp_mail($this->mailonupdate_listOfCommaSeparatedRecipients(), $subject, $message, $headers);
replaced by
‘$MailResult = wp_mail($this->mailonupdate_listOfCommaSeparatedRecipients(), $subject, $message, $headers);
if ($MailResult != true) { // Rollback to V5.4.8 method
$sender = ‘WordPress@’ . preg_replace(‘#^www\.#’, ”, strtolower($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]));
$from = “From: \”$sender\” <$sender>”;
$headers = “$from\n” . “Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\”” . get_option(‘blog_charset’) . “\”\n”;
$MailResult = wp_mail($this->mailonupdate_listOfCommaSeparatedRecipients(), $subject, $message, $headers);
]]>Since upgrading various websites to WordPress 4.9.1 no further notifications for plugin updates have been sent. I found that on some sites, but not all, the mail address was only available but not set, but on none of the installations the plugin continues to work. There should be at least one notification from each one, as all use All-In-One SEO, which has a current update, but nothing happens.
Would it be possible to make the plugin NOT set a friendly name when emailing ?
Currently it’s set to [email protected]
If this differs from the actual From: address the email looks very much like a phishingemail.
I just received SIX notifications for ONE plugin update on one of my sites – this isn’t the first time this has happened. I am not sure whether it happened previously on this site or on another one – I use the mail on update plugin on a lot of sites. I don’t retain the update emails once the sites are updated either. All the notifications were sent at the same time (2:04 a.m.). I have “send one notification” checked – I always select that. Any idea what is happening here and how to prevent it? The emails go to the default address for the site. Update notifications for the same plugin on other sites were normal – one per plugin.
]]>Very useful plugin. I have two suggestions:
1. Currently the plugin also sends emails for all of my disabled plugins. It would be nice if you would only send notifications for enabled plugins.
2. The email reminders contain a link to https://MYSITE/wp-admin/plugins.php even though I always manage my wordpress using https. It would be nice if this would be a https link so that you don’t accidentially submit your login credentials through an unsecured connection.
Keep up the good work!
]]>When I use the Save button for adding a filter, all recipients are cleared.
]]>String “Mail On Update settings succsesfully saved.” has a typo. Thanks — Alex
]]>On Line 169 of mail-on-update.php you append the following text to the outgoing email:
If this plugin is useful to you, you can support it with Flattr.
For some time (a # of versions of this plugin) i couldnt figure out why no longer had been receiving notifications. It turned out that it was the line above being added to the bottom of the email that was triggering my server and indicating it was spam:
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
550 High probability of spam
When i removed the line i can now receive notifications correctly.
Could u update your plugin so it follows the WordPress rules and does not include this remote URL automatically, but instead gives users the option to include it?
WP4.4 running on a PHP7.0.0 server: this new log appears
PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; MailOnUpdate has a deprecated constructor in […] mail-on-update.php on line 33
According to the below links, this log appears on PHP7 servers starting from WP4.3
]]>The notifications arrive fine, but the link to the directory is wrong – it indicates the default directory (/wp-admin/plugins.php) instead of the real one if someone has changed where WordPress is installed.
Can the plugin please detect where the files really are so the link in the email works?
]]>Not sure what’s wrong, but I’ve got it installed, I’ve selected myself as the email recipient, but some plugins need updates and I haven’t received any email yet.
What might be wrong?
I see the problem with PHP 5.5 and 5.6 both on XAMPP (local dev) and
production servers. I don’t remember for PHP 5.4.
Debug trace: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() …
at line 292
It happens when saving parameters while mailonupdate_recipients[] is
empty (no recipients in the “Selected recipients” field).
To fix it I added a isset($_POST[])
test prior to call
It could be nice if we had a weekly report instead of sending email at every updates ?? (of course, this would be optional).
It will allow to personally define a moment of the week for updating all our wordpress websites at the same time.
Just an idea. ??
thanks for listening ??
]]>Hi! I just wanted to give it a try to your plugin but this happens anytime I try to activate the plugin:
Error 501 – Not Implemented
GET to /staging/wp-admin/plugins.php not supported.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
FYI: the server runs PHP 5.4.35 as cgi. Apache 2.4. MySQL 5.6.
Any ideas? Let me know if you need more info.
please add updated russian languages – https://www.testwp.ru/mail-on-update.zip
]]>Hi !
There is several admins on my site, and I wanted just one them to recieve email… and it is not the default one ! How do I proceed ? ??
Very useful plugin! Any chance you take in account themes updates ?
if the “send only one notification” checkbox is checked, and then the 2nd checkbox “Filters” is checked and saved, the “one notification” checkbox is unchecked again.
Maybe it would also be easier to make only one save button for all options.
I can’t seem to be able to add multiple email address. It is displaying the admin as the sole email, but I don’t have an option to change that.
]]>What does it mean by ‘Send Only One Notification Per Update’? Do I have to tick it to enable the notification?
Kindly advise, thank you!
]]>Although this has nothing to do with your plugin one inherent problem with WordPress to this day still is the issue of sites making use of DKIM for sending out mail (servers may automatically include it). When the signature isnt properly put into outgoing email the recipient (who potentially verifies against it) will either not receive the signature or an imporperly made one.
The way to resolve this is quite simple and involves adding a few lines in their plugable.php file. This file incidentally is what plugins like Mail on Update uses when sending out email. More specifically it uses wp_mail() function. The problem with this function is that needs the following two lines before DKIM can work properly:
if (strlen($phpmailer->Sender)==0)
$phpmailer->Sender = $phpmailer->From;
Without it plugins like “Mail on Update” will not work (you don’t receive emails). I have resorted to duplicating the wp_mail() function and placing it inside this plugin (since wp_mail() can naturally be overrriden by plugins) and have added the missing lines. This has fixed my problem and incidentally has also fixed all my other plugins who were using wp_mail() too. Yay!
So although this has nothing to do with this plugin i decided to point this out and maybe ask if this could be included so those who make use of such spam fighting techniques can also benefit. By for the long term it seems more a WordPress flaw. I originally opened a bug on this well over a year ago (see WordPress Trac #22837) and only recently has the problem been taken seriously and elevated to Major Bug. So maybe WordPress will finally fix it or maybe you or another plugin will just add the fix in officially and be done with it.
]]>I’m using Version 5.2.4 of Mail on Update and WordPress 3.8.1 is giving me the following error:
admin-functions.php is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.5!
I believe from mail-on-update.php:124
I can post a stack trace/other info if you need.
Easily fixed by editing line 124 to:
@require_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php');
Good Morning,
I use your plugin on three different sites and all are having the same problem. The plugin is currently working but I’m stuck on version 5.2.1. Any time I try to update, I get the following message:
Method Not Implemented
GET to /fss/wp-admin/update.php not supported.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Other plugins are updating correctly. Any ideas?
Thanks, Tyler
we are managing the WordPress installation for one of our customers.
They post an their own, but we have to take care of the system and updates.
So as admin Email there is the customer email address. But the mails from your plugin should be send to us.
So it would be realy great if you could expand your plugin so that the standard email address is the admin, but one can place an other in there too.
Kind Regards